Fred Weasley and the Muggle Vacation |P2|

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"I'm still not used to seeing you come down the stairs," Your mother greeted you with a hug as soon as you reached the bottom of the stairs. "Your father's still asleep upstairs. I assume Fred is too?"

"Hungover," You giggled. "Dad too?"

"Yep," Your mother handed you a mug of hot coffee with more creamer than coffee. Just how you like it. "What are we gonna do with those two?"

"No idea," You remembered drunk Fred from last night and laughed. "Freddie was a mess."

"So was your dad," You sat at the table across from your mother, drinking coffee with her. "So, I was thinking you and Fred could explore around a bit. Your father has to work, so do I. Otherwise we'd go with you."

"I'll have to fill you in on all that Fred found interesting."

"Talkin' about me, darling?" Fred wrapped his arms around you from behind. "I'll be honest, I'm flattered. Unless it wasn't all good things."

"Always," You turned your head and kissed his flushed cheek. "How are you feeling, love?"

"Like hell," He sat on the chair next to yours, then immediately glanced at your mom. "Sorry for cursing."

"Don't apologize, my husband's likely to have a pottymouth when he wakes up as well."

"I should not have drank that much."

"You shouldn't have," You smirked and sipped your coffee. "I assume you don't feel good enough to go exploring today?"

"Really?" He perked up. "With you?"

"Yep! You and me, Freddie. I'll show you around my hometown and where I grew up."

"Suddenly I don't feel as bad," Fred stood. "I'll go freshen up a little. You'd better get dressed too, darling, I wanna head out as soon as we can."

"I agree," You followed him upstairs. "First place I wanna show you is the tiny pastry shop where my father used to take me when I was little. It's still there and the ladies there have known me my whole life. It'll be really cool to bring you with me."


"Cannibalism," Fred scoffed at you. "Thats cannibalism at its finest."

Innocently, you continued munching on your cinnamon roll and gazed up at Fred. "What are you talking about, Freddie?"

"You're my little cinnamon roll. And you're eating a cinnamon roll. It's cannibalism."

"Stop," Your cheeks turned red. "That's not okay. That pet name was not okay."

"Oh!! I didn't even see you come in, love!! I'm always so busy back in the kitchen! Hello!"

The lady who's quite literally watched you grow up, Miss Mary Lou, came out to greet you in a huge hug. Her apron was dusty with flour and she had bits of it in her hair and on her rosy cheeks.

Lou is a short, chubby woman with a loud personality and warm smile. You owe a lot of lonely summer afternoons to her and her amazing sweets.

"Hey, Lou!" You smiled when the hug between you two released. The small woman looked up at Fred with a smirk.

"Now, is this the redheaded wizard you've told me all about in those letters of yours?"

"Yes, ma'am," You hugged Fred to the side and placed a hand on his chest. "He's my lovely boyfriend Fred. I'm showing him the most important places of my childhood."

"Well, it's very nice to meet you, Fred. Now, did you tell him that you've practically grown up in this building?"

"The times I've been home, yes," You beamed. "Oh, when I walked into this place again after so long, and all of the bakery sweet smells filled my lungs, I almost cried."

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