George Weasley: Rest

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-Prompt: ptsd after the second wizarding war-

"Hey, what are you doing out here?"

"Hm? George... you should go to sleep... tomorrow is big for you and Fred."

"How long has it been since you've slept? Gotten actual decent sleep?"

"George..." You exhaustedly rubbed your face and sighed. "I don't get sleep. Not since the war. You know this."

"I do," Your boyfriend sat next to you. "But I want to help you."

"There isn't anything you can do."

"You doubt my abilities. When was the last time we cuddled, love? The last time I held you in bed close to my chest?"

"I can't remember, Georgie, I'm so tired," You were slightly frustrated. Your PTSD from the war bringing out its angry side. "I know. I know you want to help but you can't. Because every time I close my eyes I see... I see all of it... I see everyone we lost..."

"I know. I have nightmares too. I was seconds away from losing my twin brother. If I hadn't seen him out of the corner of my eye- and shot that counter curse at that death eater- I would have lost Fred."

"Okay. Yeah. Well. I actually lost my brother. So," You got up and left the balcony of the shop's flat and entered the eating room. You opened the freezer and grabbed the pint of ice cream and a spoon.

George followed you inside, shut and locked the balcony door behind himself, and leaned against the kitchen counter across from the one you were sitting on. Tears streaming down your cheeks as you spooned large amounts of double chocolate ice cream into your mouth.

And yet he had never been more in love with you.

"Lovely..." He began, his voice like silk. "You haven't eaten much lately. That ice cream is going to hurt your stomach in the morning."

"I don't care. It's... it's something I have control of and right now..." You set the ice cream and your spoon down on the counter next to you and covered your face with your hands.

"Hey. Hey. Come here," George walked up to you and parted your legs to stand between them so he could hug you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, buried your face into his shoulder, and quietly sobbed. Your voice was weak when you cried. It cracked and wavered and it broke George's heart.

"I'm so sorry," George whispered. "I'm so sorry you lost him. But he- he wouldn't want you to be mistreating yourself because you miss him. Seamus was- he was a good guy. He took care of you. He'd want you to take care of yourself."

"I can't get his voice out of my head!" You sobbed. "I can't- I can't s-sleep without seeing him dead in my dreams I-" You sobbed for a while. "I'm scared, Georgie..."

Your little whimper tugged at his heart. He lifted you off of the counter and brought you into his room. He shut the door swiftly behind you two and laid you on the bed.

"I can't... I can't do it... George..." You fought him when he tried to pull you down on the pillow next to him. He's trying to get you to sleep. To rest. But you don't want another nightmare of your brother to torture you. You're terrified.

"Love, you don't have to close your eyes right away. Just- just let me hold you. Let me make you feel safe."

His point made sense, so you laid next to him and allowed him to pull you into his chest. You let out a sharp yet soft breath of relief and found yourself relax in his arms. George felt all of the tension in your body release.

The sound of his heartbeat and steady breathing was enough to get you drowsy. But that scared you and made you get all worked up again. You tried getting up but he held you tighter.

"Georgie please... please... I can't..." Your eyes watered again. "I can't. I'm scared, Georgie... I'm s-so scared..."

"You're tired," He leaned down and kissed your forehead. He used his fingers to gently close your eyelids. You fought to open them again but your body was so exhausted that it refused your attempts. You sighed deeply and snuggled into his chest further.

"Good girl... good girl..." George smiled against your head as he kissed it again. "Rest, love. Please. I'm right here. It's okay. I love you. Good girl."

"Love you too," You barely mumbled out before drifting off to sleep in seconds.


So as you can probably tell, I'm starting to do the prompts a little differently!

I'll also be making the titles longer than just one word. I'm gonna be a lot more relaxed and less formatted with my writings here.

I want this prompt book to be what it was meant to be for me to being with. A break from my actual books.

Same good quality one shot content. Less strict.

As always, thank you for all of the reads and the comments and the votes. Y'all spoil me. 😌


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