Fred Weasley: Panic

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Prompt: you nearly lose him... and panic... resorting to violence

"Are you kidding me?!" You stormed into the Slytherin Common Room and found the exact woman you were looking for. Pansy Parkinson.

"Aww, poor baby. You look like you're gonna cry."

"Oh, no," You laughed, unsheathed your wand, grabbed her by the hair, and pressed the tip of your wand to her neck. "You'll be the one crying when I'm done with you. Who the hell do you think you are?! Huh?!"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" She shrieked. "Draco! Help! She's attacking me!!"

Draco smirked, biting his lip at you from the deep green couch he was sitting on. "I'm not helping you. This is the best entertainment I've gotten in a long while."

"Shut up!!" You growled, then sneered at Pansy. "You tried poisoning my boyfriend!! I should murder you right here!!"

"But you won't! You're too much of a wimp!!"

You laughed evilly. "Try me. Don't test me, Parkinson. I will end you and make it look like a suicide. What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"What's going on in here?!" Blaise came jogging into the common room. "What are you doing?!"

"She nearly killed Fred!!" You yelled, pulling Pansy's hair tighter making her yelp. "I'm going to-"

"Nothing! You're doing nothing! Come on," Blaise ripped you away from Pansy who immediately ran off into the dormitory in fear. "I'm all for revenge. Trust me. But I can't have you murdering anyone and getting expelled. Then I'd be out of a friend. We'll go to McGonagall about it okay?"

You yanked your arm out of Blaise's grip and stormed out of the common room. People moved for you in the hallway. They saw the rage in your eyes.

Blaise held you back before you entered McGonagall's office and calmed you down enough so you wouldn't go in there and start yelling at the Deputy Headmistress.

After you explained the story to McGonagall, she went and found Pansy and brought her into Dumbledore's office to decide what to do with her.

"Is he okay? Fred?" Blaise asked you.

"He's unconscious in the hospital wing right now, Blaise," You mumbled. "He's not okay. He nearly died. I-I almost lost him."

Blaise watched as you broke down a bit and pulled you into a hug. "He's alright though. He'll pull through. He's the legendary Fred Weasley."

He made you laugh but it didn't last long. "I need to go see him."

"I'll come with you."

You two walked to the nurse wing of the school and sat next to Fred's bed. He looked pale and ill. Like he definitely wasn't doing well. You took his hand into yours.

"Why would Pansy do this? He's so innocent. He did nothing to her," Blaise asked.

"Because Draco's attracted to me and she's jealous because I already have a boyfriend and I'm stealing her crush without wanting to. She should be attacking Malfoy not Fred."

Blaise stayed with you for about an hour or so, but then he left and decided to give you time with Fred alone.

Near dusk is when his eyes drowsily opened.

"Freddie?" You looked up. "Hey, I'm right here, love."

"H-hi, darling..." His scratchy voice muttered. He spoke so weakly. It broke your heart. "You didn't... kill anyone... right?"

"Almost," You scoffed with an eye roll. "Pansy is lucky Blaise stopped me from ending her right there in the common room."

"I owe him a thanks then..." He said. "Would've hated to wake up to someone telling me you'd been expelled and imprisoned for murder."

"Would have been kill for kill if I had lost you," You sighed shakily. "You're alright though? You're sure?"

"I'm alright," He confirmed. "I'm Fred Weasley, darling. You can't get rid of me that easy."

"Yeah. Well. Now your twin's going around saying he's got an immortal brother."

Fred burst out laughing which resulted in him coughing and laying back. He smiled though nevertheless. "Sounds like George."

"Making a positive out of every situation," you nodded. "Don't know where I'd be without either of you two. You both keep me sane."

"Not if you were planning on murdering someone if you'd lost me."

"You're different," You replied to his teasing. A halfhearted smile on your face. Fred reached up and cupped your face with his hands.

"I'm fine. I see that look in your eyes. I'm okay. I promise."

"I know. I know. It's just... it's gonna take me a moment. You might have to deal with me being on your arm for a while. I nearly lost you."

"I'm perfectly fine with that. As long as you don't grow too annoyed with me and George getting right back into pranking as we did before I almost died."

"Ooh. Fred," You winced.

"Too early?"

"Yeah," You kissed him deeply. Happy to just have his presence in front of you. "I love you."

"I love you more."

"Don't start that with me, Weasley. Let me win this time around."

"Alright. But just this once."

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