George Weasley: Called Out

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Prompt: "Uh... I think you're in love."

Hermione Granger was flustered. Ron had just done something very gutsy in the Great Hall just now. In front of absolutely everyone. Hermione didn't hate it. But the attention from everyone around her was too much. She ran off to the dormitories, prompting you to follow quickly after her.

Ron Weasley hugged her. With feeling. And through his burst of happiness- he said that he loved her.

You two are now sitting on your beds across from each other. In yours and hers shared dorm. Talking.

"How do you know...? When- when you really like someone...?" She asked sheepishly. "Or if it's just... an infatuation..."

"Well. Love works in funny ways. But I've found that the most obvious way to know if you or anyone else is in love with someone else is when you notice all of their little quirks and traits. You collect and memorize every little insignificant thing about them."

"Like what?"

"Um..." Your cheeks burned and you swallowed. "For example... George. He's notorious for coming up with the most comforting things to say to someone who worries. He gets this precious little sparkle in his eyes when he talks to first years. Especially little girls. His hands. Merlin- the veins in his hands when he twirls his wand or writes with his quill..." You stopped yourself. "Things like that. Little things that you usually wouldn't notice if you weren't really paying attention."

"Um... you know... I really don't want to make this seem awkward..." Hermione grinned at you. "But... I think you're in love..."

"What? Oh..." You then realized how obviously you had exposed yourself. "Oops?"

You and Hermione laughed at your adorable embarrassment.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of... I am too, I guess..." Hermione's cheeks turned pink. You met her brown eyes.

"These Weasley boys, 'Mione..." You laughed. "What are we gonna do?"

"There isn't anything we can do, I don't think," Hermione replied shyly.

"So what are you gonna tell Ron?" You asked her, making her look back down at her lap, picking at the pink nail polish on her fingers. "He um... he said those three words. You can't really just let that go..."

"I know, I know," She rubbed her face, then plopped her hands down in her lap. "I'm gonna tell him. I'm gonna do it. Right now. Come on. So are you."

"What?! Wait- Hermione- wait!!"

She grabbed your hand and dragged you down to the common room where everyone had come back. The boys were all gathered in various spots. Harry and Ron at the chess set, the twins talking with Neville about some of their newest product ideas and wondering if they could collab with his nerdy brain.

"Ronald Weasley," Hermione grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him up from his chair. You stifled a laugh at the redheaded boy's wide eyes and scared expression. They locked eyes for a while before Hermione shoved her lips onto his. "I love you too."

Ron then laughed and picked her up by her waist and kissed her again, spinning her in his arms. You don't know what kind of potion Hermione was on but whatever it was hadn't seem to wore off after she confessed her feelings to Ron. No.

She turned to you and Cornish pixies swarmed in your stomach.

"Your turn!" She smirked. "Go to your man and tell him how you feel!"

"What?" You swallowed hard. You felt eyes burn into your skull from behind. You dares not turn around. He spoke before you could react.

"Who's she talking about?"

"Um. N-no one. Nothing," You turned around, praying your face wasn't too red. Judging by the looks on the boys' identical faces- it had to have resembled a stoplight.

"That's not what you said in the dorm," Hermione continued. "What did you say...? Something about... his eyes?"

"Ooh! My eyes? What about them?" George asked, somehow knowing it was all about him. "Are they pretty?" He asked, batting his eyelashes and flipping his long ginger hair.

"Well- um..."

"Oh for gods sakes-" Hermione laughed. "George she loves you but she's too nervous to say anything."

"Mione!!" You scoffed. "What the h- mmph!!"

George had grabbed your waist and kissed you passionately on the lips. He pulled back after a few hungry kisses. "Lucky. I love you too. Now, how about we take a little study date and you tell me everything you told Hermione that you love about me, yeah? Then maybe I'll tell you what I've been telling Fred all this time."

"You- you've talked to Fred about me?"

"He has," Fred backed up his brother. "Often can't get him to shut up."

George ignored his brothers comment. "Regardless. You gonna take me up on my offer? Can I take you on a last minute date?"

"Maybe another kiss would help me decide."

"Oh, I can give you plenty," George roped you back in and kissed you again.

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