George Weasley: Just Tell Me || P2

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"Hey, it's alright, I'll be with you," George's tight grip on your hand did little to ease your nerves about the situation you're in. "We told Headmaster, got the two of them the punishments they deserve, and everything's alright now."

"Georgie, I still have to face them," You bit your lip in pure nervousness. You're terrified of facing those Slytherin snakes. They've proved to be much more powerful than you on many occasions.

Even with George next to you, you couldn't get a grip on your nerves.

"Hey! George!" Fred called for his twin across the grounds. The other half of the ginger twin duo stood with Seamus. It looked as if they were discussing a new product. It had to involve pyrotechnics. Why else would Seamus be involved.

George excitedly jogged over to his twin and joined in their conversation. But just like in a movie, you were stopped from following your lover and safety by the antagonist.

"Of course you told someone!" Pansy's voice forced you to stop in your tracks. "The wee little pig cried, didn't she? Well, I say little but there's nothing little about you."

She laughed but a rather masculine voice laughed along with her. You turned around to see who she was joined with. Draco Malfoy. What a shocker.

You scolded yourself for ever thinking he was hot.

"Pity we couldn't have watched you cut yourself. I would have loved to have seen if your filthy muggle parents tinted your blood."

"You know what, Draco, I hate my parents. So I completely agree with you calling them filthy. Because they are," You fired back in a surge of confidence.

George had spotted the argument from across the way, but Fred stopped him from joining in. You're defending yourself, and Fred knew this was good for you.

"You're still a disgusting, fat pig," Pansy scowled. "More like a slug of we're really being honest about what you truly look like."

"Slugs, huh?" You smirked. "Okay. Well. I hope they taste good."

"What?" The two of them looked amused. "Why on earth would we care what a disgusting creature like a slug tasted like?"

"Because! Eat slugs!" Your shot the spell at Pansy and instantly her face turned pale. She grabbed her stomach and fell to her knees and threw up a slug.

Everyone who saw it exclaimed in disgust and laughed. Draco sneered at me, then left. You nearly shot him with the same spell as he walked away, but he's walking away. You decided against it.

Pansy, however, was not okay with Draco leaving her.

"Draco!! Come back here!! Help me!!"

Now is when George jogged up to you. His uncontrollable laughter warmed your heart more than his arms did when they wrapped around you from behind.

"Brilliant, you are! Gods, I love you!" He laughed. "That was amazing!"

"Thanks to Ron," You grinned. "Though I will say, that spell worked a lot better with me than it did with him."

You joined George back with his brother and Seamus and found out what the new product was. Mini fireworks that you could carry around in your pocket. And all that you had to do to set them off was throw them into the air.

These twins. They think of everything.

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