Fred Weasley: In My Way || P4

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"Shhh, you're alright, dear. Here, sit up a bit," Madam Pomfrey helped you sit up against the pillow on the nurse bed. Your airways were opened a bit wider so you'd stop coughing. She handed you a glass of ice water. "There you are. You okay?"

You took an eager gulp of the water and handed the glass back to her. You'd just begun to rub your throat but as soon as your hand pressed to your skin, it stung.

More bruising.

"Yes, it's best you don't touch that for now. Can you speak okay?"

"I think so," You rasped. "It hurts."

"Yeah, that's what I guessed. Here. This will help soothe that scratchy throat," Pomfrey handed you a small vial of deep red liquid. It tasted of grape and strawberry and coated your throat with a smooth, cooling effect. You immediately felt relief from the pain. "Better?"

"Yeah," You spoke easier. "What- what happened?"

"Well, those two troublemaking twins finally did something non-destructive for once," Pomfrey answered you. "Caught Mr. Gray in his tracks. Apparently he would have choked you out if they hadn't been there. In a way, they saved your life. In multiple ways than one. Neville Longbottom and those twins testified to witnessing your abuse. Holden has been officially expelled."

"What?" You suddenly broke into tears. "He's gone?!"

"Yes, dear, he can't hurt you anymore," Pomfrey smiled at you. Then handed you a napkin for your tears and to blow your nose with. "Would you like me to grab you a friend? You've had uh... plenty of visitors."

Pomfrey pulled a curtain back from the bed and showed you the side table that was absolutely covered in get well cards, sweets, and even a plush teddy bear with a yellow and black scarf around its neck.

"That's... that's for me?" You sniffled and grabbed the stuffed bear. You hugged it to your chest and glanced up at Pomfrey.

"Who would you like first? You have a crowd," Pomfrey laughed.

"As many as you can get in here?" You replied. "If that's okay?"

"Of course."

Soon, everyone you'd never been able to hang out with came into the room. The trio, the twins, Cedric, and Neville. They each gave you bright smiles and were happy to see not only a smile on your face, but to see you awake.

"Well, hello there, love," Fred sat in the chair closest to you. But he was respectful of the fact that you might not like guys too close just yet. "Feelin' alright?"

You noticed bandages on one of his hands.

"What happened?" You pointed to his hand. "Did he hurt you?"

The group laughed.

"No, no," Fred snickered. "Knocked him out cold."

"Pretty heroic if you ask me," George scoffed. "Scary really. Never seen him so angry."

"Saved your life," Cedric nodded.

"Ah, don't boost my ego too much," Fred joked. "But, I'm alright. More worried about you, though."

"I'm okay. Can't believe he's gone now."

"Yeah, you don't have to worry about anyone hurting you anymore," Harry said. "Especially not with us around."

"Exactly," Ron said. "And if anyone else gives you trouble, tell one of us. We'll take care of it for you."

"Thanks guys," You told them. "Honestly. I didn't think I'd ever get out of that."

They all stayed with you the entire rest of the day. Teachers have them passes from their classes to visit you and keep you company. But around dinner, Fred was the only one who stayed with you.

Because he had things to say.

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