Fred Weasley and the Muggle Vacation |P1|

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a/n: comin' at you with another series x

"Fred Weasley is nervous?" You teased your boyfriend of three years with a smirk. "It's just my parents, Freddie."

"I don't know how to act around non-magic folk!" He expressed. "I've never been around them before!"

"Thanks," You hugged him to your side as you both left the Uber. He knows you dislike the word 'muggle', so he used a nicer way of explaining your parents' non-magical status.

"Talking to you is one thing. You've been in the wizarding world with me your whole life. I can talk to you about magic stuff. Your parents wouldn't know what I'm talking about. How do I talk to them?"

You and Fred walked up the steps and onto your porch, that's when you turned to Fred and looked up at him. He looked a lot more nervous than he was letting on.

"Fred, you are the most likable person I know. My parents are going to absolutely adore you. Because I love you. And you make me happy," You gently stroked his cheek. "If it really bothers you, I'll start conversation so you can learn how it works. How they think. Okay?"

"Thanks love," He nodded. "Okay. I'm ready. Let's go. Let's do this."

You knocked on the door and within seconds it was opened. Immediately you were wrapped up in your mother's arms. You heard your father and Fred exchange a few words and a handshake.

Then you hugged your father as your mother greeted Fred. He looked very out of his element but only because you knew what that looked like. Your parents definitely wouldn't figure it out.

"You must be the pureblood wizard our girl's always telling us about," My father eyed Fred but you could tell it wasn't ill mannered. "Fred, right?"

"Yes, sir, but blood status doesn't matter to me. Pureblood, half blood, born of non-magical parents, none of it matters to me really."

You felt a wave of relief wash over you as your father positively beamed at your boyfriend. "You know, son, I think we're going to get along just fine. Tell me, how do you feel about football?"

"What?" Fred's face turned pink.

"Oh, buddy, let me get you started with the best team out there. The Chiefs have the youngest player, ya know? Come on."

You and your mother watched fondly as your men entered the house towards the living room where the tv is set up.

"He's nervous isn't he?" Your mother asked, a soft smile on her face. "I can see it in his face. He's hesitant."

"He is," You tried to convince her that it wasn't a big deal, but Fred's had anxiety about this since you brought up the idea of you taking him to your parents instead of you staying at the Weasleys new house again. "But I promise, as soon as he gets comfortable, he won't want to leave."

"Good thing you two are staying a while then, huh? Come on, help me with supper, yeah?"

You and your mother worked long and hard cooking up some wonderful things for dinner, then joined the guys in the living room.

Your heart. Instantly. Melted.

There Fred sat next to your father, both of them on the edge of their seats on the couch, their eyes trained carefully on the tv screen.

When Patrick Mahomes ran the ball across the last half of the field to the end zone, you and your mother both laughed when Fred and your father jumped up and cheered.

Fred turned to you and saw you laughing, so a grin spread across his face. "Entertained, darling?"

"I am," You continued to laugh even as he roped you into his arms, his eyes locked on yours in awe. "Looks like you've received dad's favor. That was fast."

"What can I say? Everyone loves a Weasley," He teased, leaving the tiniest most disappointing kiss on your lips before pulling away completely with a cheeky grin.

"Tease," You shoved him, knocking him back onto the couch. Your father laughed at him but soon they both were back to watching the game together.

You and your mother made plates for everyone and all four of you are in the living room together while watching the game. Your father seemed to pick up dad mode around Fred and talked to him as if he had a son.

You're an only child. Your father's never had a son. So it's safe to say that Fred being here to hang out with him is a pleasant change.

Fred ended up getting way too excited about another Chiefs touchdown that he spilled his drink on the coffee table. His face instantly turned red and he apologized probably a million times before your father laughed and reassured him that he didn't have to apologize.

You thought his embarrassment was adorable. He cares so much about what your parents think about him because of how protective they are of you. He doesn't want them to not like him. He needs them to like him.

Especially these next few days. Preferably your father. Fred has a rather difficult conversation to have with your father and he needs to have a good first impression.

Before you knew it, the world outside had darkened and the stars were shining brightly in perfect contrast to the deep navy blue sky. Your father had dawned his favorite alcohol and shared some with Fred.

Which shocked you and your mother. Your father's always been stingy about his alcoholic drinks. But he's shared the last of it with Fred on the first night of meeting him.

But the alcohol also meant that they'd be getting drunk. Fred is a lightweight, as you've always known. You also know that Fred is very... touchy and rather inappropriate when he's drunk. Per usual again.

So, you said goodnight to your parents and dragged Fred upstairs to your old bedroom and made sure he was comfortable and laying down. You then began unpacking yours and his clothes and before-bed things.

Fred looked over at you, watching as you moved about the room setting things up. One side is where Fred will keep all of his things, the other you'll keep yours.

"Are you single?" His low voice mumbled.

"No, Freddie, I'm not."

"Bloody hell. Who's the lucky chap who gets to keep you?"

"That's you, love," You snickered. "You're so drunk. Your hangover tomorrow is going to absolutely suck."

"You're mine?!" Fred sat up suddenly. "Oh, tell me you're as beautiful naked in person as you are in my head."

"Freddie, you've seen me naked before. But we can't do anything here. Not with my parents just downstairs. They'd kick you out for sure."

"Naw, pretty baby," Fred got up and firmly gripped your hips from behind and pulled your ass against his hips. You felt his hot breath brushing against your ear and neck. "I have a bit of a problem, you see, that I need a pretty girl like you to help me with."

"Fred, we're not having sex on my childhood bed in my parents house when they're just downstairs," You told him with a clear voice. "If this was your place it would be different."

"We could use silencing and locking charms," He trailed his lips down your neck, leaving faint, wet kisses along your burning skin. "Come on, gorgeous, let's have some fun."

"Freddie," You turned around to face him and pressed your finger against his lips to stop him from kissing you. But, much to your dismay, he locked his eyes with yours and slowly took your finger into his mouth and began softly sucking on it. It took everything you had to swallow a moan at the sight. "No. We're not doing anything. I'm sorry. Go take care of your problem in the bathroom down the hallway."

"Party pooper," Fred scoffed and pushed you away. "Meanie head. Fart sniffer. Muddy pig cuddler."

"You done?" You laughed at his poor names. "Go wash up, goofy. We both need sleep."

a/n: what do you think of the new mini-series?! I want some feedback! is that possible? 🥺

also, in honor of it being Super Bowl Sunday, and the Chiefs playing the Buccaneers, there is a football scene in this. I am a die hard Chiefs fan, what's your team?

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