Little Weasley :: Last Part :: George Weasley

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The work day was long for the twins, so when you got back from your day with Harry and Hermione, the twins had already locked up the shop and went up to the flat for the night. You walked in and closed the door behind yourself. Fred was sitting at the table finishing up a plate of whatever you had for dinner. You had eaten at the Three Broomsticks with Harry.

"George's in the shower," Fred stood, holding his plate. You went to grab George's but Fred took it instead. "You've done plenty of cleaning today. I've got tonight's dishes. Are you feeling any better? You've been a bit off today."

"Yeah, I just- learned some big news that I have to tell George first. How long has he been in the shower?"

"Quite a while," Fred snickered. "Don't know what he's up to in there."

You said a goodnight to him and gave him a hug, then made your way down the hallway to yours and George's shared bedroom. Before you even entered the room, you heard him humming a very familiar tune. You leaned against the door with a smile.

"She loves love notes and babies, and loves giving gifts..." He kept humming the tune. "Has a hard time accepting a good compliment. She loves her whole family and all of her friends. So if you're the one she lets in, take it. If she gives you her heart don't you break it."

"Let your arms be a place she feels safe in," You continued, opening the door. He grinned and pulled you in, his hair still dripping wet over his forehead.

"She's the best thing that you'll ever have. She'll love you if you love her like that," He took your hands in his and twirled you around, then pulled you back in for a kiss, all the while still humming that song.

"That's our song," You smiled, laying your head on his bare chest. "I can't believe you still remember it after all this time."

"Of course I do, darling. It's always stuck in my head when I think about you. Which is always."

"Georgie," You blushed further and pulled back. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," He turned and continued drying off his hair with a white towel. You stripped yourself of your shirt and pants, then snatched one of George's tee shirts and sat on the bed. You wondered if he remembered the fact that you needed to talk to him tonight.

You were secretly hoping he did. Just so you didn't have to deal with such a difficult topic. It's still unclear how he's going to process this information.

He climbed onto the bed next to you and pushed you down onto your back and laid next to you, then pulled you into his chest. "So. Lovely. What was it that you needed to talk to me about?"

Your heart skipped beats. He remembered.

"Um... I'm not so sure anymore..."

"You've had time to overthink it, haven't you?" He kissed your cheek gently, his thumb stroked your waist. "Come on, love. It's just me. You can tell me anything."

"I'm scared," You admitted. "I'm really scared. I-I don't want you to leave me..."

"Leave you?" His brows furrowed. "Why on earth would I ever leave you? You're my girl. You're my whole world. I'd be lost without you. What happened?"

Your eyes watered which only made him more concerned about what you had to tell him.

"Hey," He wiped a tear from your cheek with his thumb. "What's happened, love?"

"Georgie... you're going to be a father," You told him slowly. You even winced a bit at the end, expecting him to be upset and freak out.

"What?" His voice was but a gasp. "You're serious? Have you tested it?"

"Twice," You opened your eyes to meet his amber colored ones. "Y-you're not upset?"

"Why would I be upset?!" He laughed and hugged you closer, cradling your body in his arms. "I'm so happy!! Oh, I can't contain all of this emotion. I know Fred's trying to sleep. I need to be quiet. But a father?! I'm- I'm gonna be a dad..." His eyes then watered as well when realization hit him. He pressed a hand to your lower stomach. "Wow..."

"Love," You tearfully laughed, running your fingers through his hair when he lifted your shirt to kiss your stomach. "I wasn't prepared for this reaction."

"I don't know what to say. I don't know how to process this. All I know is that I'm happy. I'm so happy. Come here," He climbed back up to you and hugged you close. "I've had all but one of my dreams come true now."

"All but one?"

"Find a woman, one to spend my life with. Start the business with Fred. Marry the woman I found. And start our family."

"You- you want to marry me?" You looked up at him in shock. You two shared a laugh, both of you crying at this point. "No way."

"Yeah!" He stroked your cheek. "It's you and me, love! You and me and our little Weasley. That's all I ever want."

"How'd I get so blessed," You cuddled back into his chest. "I don't know how I deserve any of this."

"Nonsense," He kissed your head and turned the lights out with a flick of his wand. He set it back down on his nightstand so he could wrap his arms around you. It was quiet for a moment, before he started softly singing to you again. His voice quiet and low. You felt yourself start to drift in and out of sleep.

"She'll love you if you love her, on days when it feels like the whole world might cave in. Stand side by side and you'll make it," He kissed your head when you were nearly asleep. "She's the best thing that you'll ever have. She'll love you if you love her like that."

"I love you, Georgie."

"I love you too," He placed a hand on your stomach. "You and our little Weasley."


Featuring lyrics from my favorite song, "If You Love Her" by Forest Blakk.

I'm gonna go cry now. This little series was beautiful. Let me know if you'd want me to continue it.

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