Little Weasley :: S1 P1 :: George Weasley

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You were sitting on the floor of the bathroom in the twins' flat. Staring down at something you never thought you'd ever have to face. There were so many feelings going through your head but the overall emotion was fear.

A positive pregnancy test. It's positive. You're carrying yours and your beloved boyfriend's child now. And so far you're the only one who knows. You set the test down on the floor next to you with shaking hands, then you placed them back on your lap.

"Breakfast is ready," Fred's voice spoke from behind the door. "Are you alright? You've been in there for a while."

"Um... y-yeah I'm okay. Just- cleaning my face and things. I'll be there in a moment."

Fred went back to the dining table and sat with his twin as they ate their breakfast. But you heard more footsteps. Then a knock on the door.

"Darling? I know you probably told Fred you were alright but I know you better than that. Do you need me to come in?"

"No, Georgie, I'm fine," You scolded your unsteady voice.

"Do I have to pick the lock?" George said. "We learned alohamora together. I know you know that I know that spell."

"George, I'm okay," You answered, sounding a bit colder than you planned. You wanted to come across as firm but not mean. You sounded mean.

"Oh, okay. Maybe you just need a moment to yourself," George replied to you snapping at him.

You heard receding footsteps and that's when you knew you needed to get up. You needed to shove this deep inside you and forget about it for right now.

But how the hell does someone forget about the fact that they're carrying a whole human inside of them? You threw the test away, making sure it was nestled under a bit of trash, before you left the bathroom and composed yourself to look mostly okay.

George kept giving you that puppy dog sad face stare across the table. You lost your appetite. You hate keeping things from him but what's happened has overruled anything that's ever happened in the past.

Fred made conversation with George about their workday but he seemed very tuned out. He was distracted and was picking at the eggs and sausage on his plate when his plate is usually empty within minutes after he sits at the table.

After breakfast ended, you collected the plates and offered to do the dishes. Fred insisted that it wasn't that big of a deal and that he'd do it later. You gave him that look. That one look that told him you just needed a distraction.

So, George and Fred went downstairs to the shop and started their day by unlocking the front door. You busied yourself with the dishes. From the dishes came the kitchen. The kitchen turned into the living room. Before you knew it, you had spent most of the day cleaning the twins flat.

Though they would be grateful for the extra help, you knew that being alone all day wasn't helping your case. You weren't being very convincing. But you knew it was pointless to put on a mask anyway. They both already knew something was wrong.

You changed out of your comfortable clothes and dressed decent enough for the public. You thought that heading downstairs to spend time in the happy environment of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes would help lift your mood.

But as soon as you got down the stairs you spotted George talking with Harry and Hermione in the back of the shop. Ron was likely working. Or asleep. Who knows. All you cared about was the look that Hermione gave you the second she saw you.

You felt like melting into the floor when she approached you. Harry was busy helping the twins with a new product shipment so Hermione came to speak with you.

"Heard you weren't doing okay," Hermione told you.

"I believe George is just assuming things. He overthinks things."

"He said you've been cleaning all day," Hermione smiled softly, a knowing look in her eyes. "I do it too. Come on. We should talk. If you don't want to talk to George, at least talk to me."

She took you back up to the flat and sat with you on the couch to talk.

"It's spotless in here," Hermione observed. "If it wasn't distraction cleaning I'd be impressed but I know that you tend to take emotion out on cleaning when you're upset."

"You know me too well."

"I'm your best friend. Of course I do," Her voice softened. "Hey," Her hand rested against yours on your lap. "What's going on?"

You almost, almost told her. You almost told her everything. But you just couldn't get yourself to admit it to her. You've yet to accept it for yourself let alone someone else.

Hermione tried to coax it out of you for a few moments longer before a soft sigh left her and she stood.

"What if I went to get Harry?"

Your heart throbbed at your brother's name. Your older brother that you haven't spoken with for a while.

"Hermione please," Your eyes watered. "Don't. You know how that's gonna go. I can't do that yet."

"Love you need to talk to someone. Something isn't right and you can't keep it all pent up. I'll send Harry up okay?"

Hermione left to retrieve Harry. You weren't prepared. Harry's your weakness. He always knows all of the right things to say to get you to speak to him. You took a breath to prepare yourself. Knowing a breakdown was right around the corner.

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