Fred Weasley: Mischief

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Prompt: You and Fred are in detention. Together. With Umbridge. Enough said.

You showed up late to detention. You and Fred had pranked Umbridge yet again to get back at her for all of the kids, little kids, that she keeps using her quill on.

You two were standing up for the first and second years and had become quite the heroes of the school. This uproar against her authority threatened Umbridge. So, she ordered a detention for you and Fred.

Big. Mistake. (On her end of course.)

You had only showed up late because you and Fred had planned a small prank on her for the detention. The smirk on his face when you entered the pink office spurred on the excitement you had for this prank.

You and Fred had infused a few sugar cubes with a cat polyjuice potion and doused them in lemon juice so their yellowish green color wouldn't put her off. They looked perfect, and were flawless.

"Evening, professor," You sat at the desk opposite the side of the room of Fred's. Who was trying his ultimate hardest to stifle any laugh. "I brought a gift for you. A peace offering- if you will."

"Oh?" She folded her hands on her desk and gave you a thin, forced smile. You removed the small pink box of sugar cubes from your robe pocket and set it in front of her. She opened it and eyed the contents suspiciously. "They're an... odd color."

"Lemon sugar," You sat at your desk, glancing over at Fred just quick enough to catch his wink. You bit back a smirk. "I know how much you like lemon in your tea."

"I do," She picked out one of the sugar cubes and smelled it, her eyes widened and your heart stopped. For a split second you thought you had been caught, but she smiled at you.

"My, these smell wonderful! Have you and Mr. Weasley made these together?"

"Yes, Professor," Fred added, clearing his throat. He's having so much trouble staying composed. And you knew that if he cracked a laugh, you wouldn't be able to hold back either.

You two watched as she put all three of the cubes in her tea and began stirring it. She raised her teacup to her nose and closed her eyes at the smell.

"Positivity lemony," She took a sip of it. A rather long sip- which was perfect. She set her teacup down on the small saucer and coughed a bit. Her hand pressed to her chest as she kept coughing.

You and Fred watched as brown tabby cat fur started sprouting along all of her wrinkly pale skin. Whiskers grew on her face after her mouth and nose changed, then her pointy ears perked up from her curly brown hair.

That's when Fred lost it. The ears really must have set him off. He burst out laughing and so did you. Umbridge gasped and looked down at her hands that were covered in fur. They weren't paws because the potion must have been too watered down from her tea.

"What have you two done?!" She shrieked, standing up. That's when her long brown tail popped up and just when you thought he couldn't laugh harder- Fred entered a whole new dimension and positively snorted. His eyes were tearing up and he was wiping them repeatedly. You both were laughing so hard you were crying.

"Well! I never! What did you put in those cubes!! What am I?!" Umbridge kept screeching out questions as she turned around to look at her tail. "Tell me I'm not a cat! Oh, dear, you two are in so much trouble!!"

"Sorry, Professor!" You and Fred stood up and ran for the door when she raised her wand. "We must not tell lies!!"

You and Fred sprinted down the corridors to the Gryffindor Common Room and told the audience waiting for you that the plan had been executed perfectly.

Fred continued to tell everyone every hilarious detail from Umbridge's complete oblivion to the second her ears popped up and he lost it.

There was a moment when everyone was so lost in conversation about the prank that they didn't notice the look Fred gave you. One of his classic Fred Weasley smirks. You grinned back, knowing this wasn't the last of the pranks you two would be pulling on teachers together.

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