George Weasley: They're Okay

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Prompt: there was an accident. you'd apparated and didn't completely have a set destination in your head. pregnancy brain does that to women...

"George? Georgie?!" Your eyes were barely open and your entire body ached. You felt an emptiness in your stomach and panicked. "Georgie!!"

"Hey, hey, I'm here, darling," George ran into the room. "I was talking with another patient's family. They needed support so I helped. But I'm here now. It's okay."

"Boys," You sniffled. "Where are our boys?"

"In the nursery unit. They're so beautiful, love. They're okay," His hand stroked your cheek. "Are you okay? How are you feeling?"

"I hurt. I need you. Georgie, please," You begged for his embrace. More of his touch. Something to make you feel safe.

"I can't get into that bed with you, love. You know I would if I could. I'm right here though I promise," He kissed your forehead. "That had to have been so traumatizing. I'm so sorry."

"Just stay," You managed a whimper before the meds started working again and began forcing you to sleep again. "Just... stay."

And he did stay. Once the doctors had cleared your beautiful twin boys with a full bill of health, he brought them to your hospital room and sat on the recliner with them. They laid across his chest and not only snored softly in perfect sync, but they yawned in sync with their father. Who was quick to fall asleep after his boys.

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