Fred Weasley: Impulse Control

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Prompt: "Why don't you just talk to her?" (or) You've got Fred head over heels. But you seem to be the only person he can't work up enough courage to talk to. All it took was a threat to kick his instincts into motion.

You were minding your own business, writing away in your notebook, not doing much of anything really. But you had no idea of the effect it had on a certain Weasley across the room.

You were driving him mad.

His twin noticed him staring. Again. "Freddie, you're gawking again."

"I'm not... gawking," Fred cleared his throat and turned his attention back to the books in front of him and his brother.

"Any deeper of a stare and you'd be drooling, mate. Why don't you just go talk to her?"

"No," Fred scoffed. "She looks too focused. Look at her."

"I see her," George nodded, seeing a certain softness in his rowdier twin he's never seen before. There was a sparkle in his eye as he watched you from across the room. You stood out to him. And he had no idea why.

"Doesn't help my amortentia smelled like her," Fred looked back down at his textbook on stinksap plants and how to avoid it's horrid stench while caring for it. It's an herbology book. He's trying to improve his grade in that class.

He shares that class with you. So it's clear why his grade is horrible. His head is elsewhere. And obviously, he's exhausted all of Professor Sprout's sympathies. Even she's said that his crush on you is distracting.

"Well, there's a good place to start," George continued, snapping Fred out of his internal monologue.

"What? I just go up to her and say I smelled her in my love potion? She'd think I'd gone mad."

"More than she likely already does?"

"Gee, that helps," Fred scoffed, George snorted a laugh.

"Well. You're going to lose your chance," George pointed to Cormac McLaggen across the room. The cocky jock had the tip of his pen between his lips as he eyed you. His eyes darting all over your body.

Fred was glad you hadn't seen him yet. He knew it would have made you feel very uncomfortable. But when the pretty boy stood up from his spot at his table and had all intentions of sitting with you, Fred's legs worked without his permission.

He shoved Cormac out of the way and snatched the seat in front of you. A little startled, you looked up from your notebook and slowly closed it.

"Hey, Fred... is it? Right? You and George are so difficult to tell apart."

"Wouldn't be the first time that's happened," Fred nervously chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "But once you get to know us better, we're easier to individualize."

"I'm sure," You gave him a friendly smile. "I appreciate the company, but did you need something?"


He hadn't figured that out in his mental planning. Something deep inside of him forced him into this situation and his mind hadn't quite caught up yet. He saw George out of the corner of his eye and he internally begged him for some help. When George motioned for him to continue, Fred got an idea.

He sighed. Heavily. It was a deep breath but it sounded to you like he was slightly annoyed. Nonetheless, he continued.

"I wasn't entirely sure how to say this. I was just talking about it with my brother," He admitted shyly. Your eyes darted over to where the other half of the twin duo was sitting. George gave you a quick smile and friendly wave. You returned it and glanced back at Fred when he continued explaining himself. "But I think you are very pretty. I have for a while actually. But haven't ever had the guts to say something."

"Oh," Your cheeks burned and you just prayed he didn't notice. Apparently he did because his cheeks turned red too. "Thanks, Fred."

"Yeah, and I was wondering if... you'd maybe... want to join me for the trip to Hogsmeade tomorrow?"

"Really?" Your face brightened. "I wasn't going to attend because I didn't have anyone to go with. Guess I'm always too deep in my books and writing that I don't have much time for friends."

"That's hard to believe. Who wouldn't want to be friends with you?"
"Yes," You beamed at the ginger boy. "Fred, I would love to go to Hogsmeade with you."

Fred's heart soared, and he fought the urge to yell out in celebration. Instead he gave you a bright smile, nodded, and went to stand up. But you reached out for his hand. You heard his breath hitch.

"I... sorry. I just- couldn't help but notice you working on a Herbology assignment. Would you like some help with that?"

"Oh, uh..." Fred met George's eye. George was already slinging his bag over his shoulder and getting up. He waved his brother off and winked at him. Fred felt his insides tighten in pure excitement and he turned back to you. "Would you? I'm having trouble understanding it and I'm sure you're a prodigy."

"Oh, that's a bit much," You blushed again, watching him retrieve his bag and books. He took his place across from you like before. What he wasn't expecting was for you to scoot your chair right next to his and lean closer to him as you read over the assignment.

At some point Fred slipped his arm around the back of your chair as you two worked through the assignment together. He saw Cormac in the corner of his eye, positively fuming at him. Fred smirked at the boy and watched as he stormed angrily out of the library.


a/n: GAHHH I LOVE THIS ONE 🥺🤚🏻 I'm a Fred girl and this just seals the deal for me. I feel like this is super accurate to how he'd react to a girl he genuinely had feelings for.

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