Fred Weasley: You're Safe

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Prompt: I don't entirely know what this is. It's personal and I might end up deleting it. I just had a panic attack. The first one I've had in a long time. I guess this is me trying to distract myself by writing. Freddie's my comfort character. So I'm really writing this for myself I guess.

You were in the bathroom at the time. Minding your own business and in the process of washing your face before bed. When as soon as you set the towel down on the counter- your brain did a complete backflip in your head.

Suddenly you were confused, deeply emotional, lightheaded, and very, very scared. You couldn't remember where you were, and you'd given yourself a headache because of how fast your eyes were darting around the room.

"Freddie?!" You cried out in panic. "Fred!!"

"Darling?" He shot up from where he was lying on the bed and came rushing into the bathroom. He saw you in your panicked and dazed state and knew what to do. "Hey, hey, come here. Remember. Just like last time."

Fred sat on the toilet after flipping the lid down and pulled your shaking body onto his lap. He rubbed firm, consistent circles into your back as he spoke to you in a soft voice.

Tears silently rolled down your cheeks and soaked into Fred's white tee shirt.

"Five things you can see, love. Can you think of em?"

"The- the counter. The mirror. The floor. Um..."

Your voice came out slow and soft. Barely audible.

"Don't stop, love. Two more," He kept rubbing your back.

"Your shirt," You sniffled, the emotions catching up to you. "And... and the towel."

"Good girl," He kissed your temple- almost like a reward, then rested his chin on your shoulder again. "Four things you can touch, now."

"You," A soft, shaky sigh of slight relief left you. "Your hair. Your shirt. The- the wall."

"Mhm, good," He gave your head another kiss. "Three things you can hear."

You felt the anxiety slowly leaving you with every question he asked.

"Your voice," Another shaky sigh. "Your heartbeat. The- the tv in the other room,"

"Yeah, Georgie's watching a movie. Two things you can smell? We're in the bathroom. That should be easy."

"Your cologne," You nuzzled your nose into his neck. "The hand soap."

"Last thing," He pulled back and looked into your eyes. "I need you to tell me one thing that you love about yourself."

"Eyes," You sniffled and nodded. "I like my eyes."

"Good. I do too," He leaned up and kissed your forehead gently. "Better now?"

"Mhm," You cuddled back into his warm embrace. "I love you, Freddie."

"I love you too, pretty girl," He rubbed your back again. "I think you deserve some nice cuddles before bed, yes? We can talk about anything. Or not talk at all. I don't care, as long as you're happy."

"Okay," You mumbled a reply quietly and moved to stand up but Fred wrapped his arms under your butt and lifted you up into his arms. "Freddie."

"Shhh, let me spoil you. I'm carrying you."

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