A Very Weasley Christmas :: Fred Weasley :: Part One

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"Frederick Gideon Weasley!!"

An uproar of laughter filled the house as your redheaded, and apparently death wish having boyfriend 'accidentally' flung frosting at you across the dining table.

You're spending the holidays at the Weasleys and tonight apparently is when the entire house decided to decorate cookies. It obviously was not a good idea.

"I ought to kill you right here and now, Weasley."

"You love me too much," He smirked across the table.

"How the hell did you even fling that at her across the table?! It had to have been on purpose and aimed!"

"Aimed and aimed perfectly," Fred said, shielding himself. "You're making that face! Stop making that face!"

"It's the same one she made before she whooped your ass during that quidditch match!!" George laughed.


"Watch yourself tonight," You replied, turning your attention back to the Christmas tree shaped cookie in front of you. You had covered it in green icing and were now detailing the branches to look as realistic as you could.

"Ron!! You used all of the yellow sprinkles!"

"I didn't know you needed any!" Ron replied to Hermione.

The table erupted in laughter once again.

You looked up at the perfect time, because you caught Fred watching you. He bit his lip, so you flicked icing right back at him with your spoon.

"Hey!!" He wiped off the green icing from his nose.

"Wait, wait," You shot up from your chair and ran to the other side of the table, then grabbed the collar of his sweater, and smashed your lips onto his to remove the green icing from his lips. You pulled away and licked your lips, then returned to your spot across the table.

"Right then. I think I've lost my appetite."

"Oh shut up," Fred nudged George, his cheeks red.

You couldn't help the giggle to slip out. Fred met your eyes and shook his head, chuckling. "You drive me insane you know that?"

"I do it on purpose."

"Harry," Hermione pointed across from her on the table to a bowl of orange icing. "Hand me that please?"

"Sure," Harry reached across the table with the icing bowl in his hand, but his hand slipped and the icing fell onto her plate where her cookie was sitting. Everyone gasped, watching Hermione for her reaction.

Hermione was shocked at first, picked up the icing bowl and saw the massive blob of orange icing, but then she looked up at Harry and just started laughing. So, in return, everyone else did as well.

Once the cookies had been decorated, and consumed after you all bragged about which one was the best one, the group settled by the fireplace as Harry and Ron set up the TV set with a holiday movie.

You sat in the back nestled into Fred's chest wrapped in a blanket. You paid zero attention to the movie. Your entire focus was on the man before you. He had his arms wrapped around you lazily as his eyes glued to the TV screen. He's obviously more interested in the movie than you.

"Freddie," You whispered. He looked down at you snuggled into his chest and he grinned.

"You're perfect. You look so cute all snuggled up. Are you warm enough?"

"I'm very warm," You answered, but leaned up to kiss him. "I've got you. Of course I am."

"Mhm," He kissed you again.

Once he pulled away, he returned to watching the movie. His eyes trained on the screen like everyone else's. So, you laid your head against his chest where his heart was and drifted off to sleep.

-1 hour later-

"Heya, Freddie, I think your girlfriend fell asleep," George said, smirking when he saw you fast asleep on his brother. Who looked down immediately and blushed.

"Whoah..." He grinned. "Awe look at her. She looks so comfortable."

"I didn't think falling asleep with a smile on your face was possible," Hermione remarked.

"Leave it to my girl to defy the impossible."

"She already has. She fancies you," George teased.

Fred laughed, then instantly looked down. "Probably shouldn't be too loud. I don't want to move. I don't wanna wake her up."

"Just carry her. She's a deep sleeper," Ginny remarked. "Hermione and I would know. She used to share a room with us at sleepovers."

"You think I could? Without waking her up?"

"Look at him. So worried," Ron cooed. "Never seen you so soft, mate."

"This hasn't ever happened before. I don't know what to do with myself."

"Just carry her. She won't wake up. I promise."

He sat and contemplated for a moment, before shaking his head. He pointed to the Christmas tree across the room. "Turn those lights on, George."

George turned the tree lights on, then Fred diluted the fire to a low crackle, so the tree lights would be the main thing lighting up the room.

Everyone said their good nights, then went upstairs to bed. Fred looked down at you, held you closer to him, then kissed your head. His eyes watered slightly.

This is his first Christmas with a girl. First Christmas with someone who has his whole heart. Someone he cherishes more than the holiday itself. Someone he's proud to bring home to his family.

He kissed your head again and sniffled, not able to hold back his tears. He pressed his nose into your hair and whispered. "God... I love you so much..."

He was overwhelmed with so many emotions but the one that was the strongest was happiness. It was sudden and intense and he didn't know how to process it.

"I love you..." He whispered again. "I love you so much... you make me so happy..."

"You make me happy too, Freddie..." You whispered back tiredly. "I love you too."

"Did I wake you up?" He asked with a sniffle. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

"You didn't wake me up," You yawned. "You're crying. Why?"

"The way I love you. That's why."

"Is it a bad thing?"

"Opposite. Very opposite," He answered, then kissed your head once again. "I've never felt this way about someone before. It's just a lot to handle at once."

"Bit overwhelming, yeah?" You asked him quietly.

"Very," He answered.

"I feel it too," You admitted to him. "The happiness. You give it to me too, Freddie."

"How do you handle all of the emotion? It's a lot."

Your heart warmed hearing how soft he was being. How open. He isn't usually like this. It really must be hitting him all at once.

"I've felt it for quite a while. You've made me this happy for a long time, love," You told him. "You must just now have it hitting you."

"It is," He lifted your chin gently and kissed you lovingly. "You want me to take you up to bed? Now that you're awake?"

"No," You told him. "I'd like to stay right here with you all night. With the tree lights and the fire."

"I'd hoped you'd say that."

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