George Weasley: Careful

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Prompt:  you're brought home from surgery and he takes care of you

The second you had entered the Burrow, you instantly felt much more at home. It's an obvious fact. But you hate hospitals so anywhere but that building was sufficient. Molly and Arthur Weasley picked you up from St. Mungos because you were staying with them.

After a rather intensive surgery on your leg injury caused by a quidditch accident, you wanted nothing more than to be in bed and cozy with your boyfriend. Thankfully, he and Fred were waiting for you to arrive home, so they were there when you came in. Hobbling on your crutches.

"Oh, love," George frowned as you huffed and took a break from crutching along for a moment. "I bet that's exhausting. Good thing is, this means I get to carry you around more."

"Ah, no, no," Molly raised her pointer. "She's meant to rest for a week or so, then she'll be working on therapy."

You sighed as you felt much more defeated by this injury.

"I can carry her up to bed, right?" George asked his parents.

"If you're gentle. I suppose it's better than making her sleep on the couch," Arthur shrugged.

"Grab her extra legs, would you, Freddie?" George asked his brother, who nodded. Your boyfriend looked you in the eyes and placed your hands on his shoulders. "Use me as your crutch real quick, love," He said as Fred removed the crutches from under your arms. You put all of your weight on George, who then bent down and very gently picked you up bridal style into his arms. "Alright, there? Feels okay?"

"Yeah, thank you," You nuzzled into his chest. "Bed."

"That's my destination, darling," George then walked you up the stairs, Fred in tow, and laid you on his bed in their shared bedroom. "There we go. Now, do you need anything?"

"Water or food? Sweets maybe?" Fred added with a grin, setting your crutches down not far from the bed so you could reach them should you need to get up for anything. "I'm sure Ron wouldn't mind sharing."

"I'm okay, thanks guys. I think I just wanna lay here a while."

"Understood," Fred nodded. "Well, if you'll both excuse me, I have some product testers to find."

With that, Fred left the room and shut the door behind himself. You laid back on the pillow and tried your hardest to get comfortable. Something about a hard cast on your leg kept you from doing just that. With a pout you groaned.

"What is it, love?"

"I can't get comfortable," You sat up a bit. "This sucks, Georgie. I hate this. I can't do this."

"Oh, now, don't be like that," George climbed into the bed next to you and pulled your back to his chest, his arms wrapped around your waist. "Does this help at all?"

"A bit," You laid back down and sighed shakily. It was quiet for a moment between you two, until a tear drifted down your cheek that caught George's attention.

"Why are there tears?" He asked, his voice a soft mumble. "You're alright, love."

"This is going to ruin my career in quidditch, Georgie," You replied sadly. "I'll miss the finals. The doctor said this'll take nearly a month to heal up."

"Nonsense. You falling off your broom was an accident. At least quidditch doesn't involve running or anything like that. You could easily rejoin the team after you're properly healed up. I believe in you."

His encouragement really helped. In fact it cleared away any and all concerns you had come up with since your injury. "I really needed to hear that. You know all of the right things to say."

"This?" He lightly tapped your cast. "This is temporary. This will only last so long. And then you'll be right back to winning house cups for Gryffindor and zipping around that pitch like nothing happened. Fred and I will paint our faces in Gryffindor colors just for you on your first match back."

"I'll hold you on your word."

"Good," He grinned. "Because in order to do that, you're believing that you'll get back to playing when you're healed."

"I love you, George Weasley."

"I love you too, my lovely little gimp."

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