Fred Weasley: Help

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Prompt: you have so much attacking you at once, mentally, emotionally, and physically. so you shove everyone else away. but your boyfriend puts an end to it so he can help you. (this one was more for me and my own mental health, so if it's weird- sorry. hopefully this helps someone.)

Your stomach aches. Your head was throbbing. You had piles upon piles of homework. Tests to worry about. Your parents kept sending you howlers because of your decreasing grades.

You started skipping meals to spend time studying in your dormitory. Then when you weren't studying or slumping through classes, you were sleeping.

You neglected your friends and your boyfriend. Your mental health was deteriorating by the second and every day seemed just like the last.

You needed a distraction. A break. But you wouldn't allow yourself to do anything with your time other than do more homework, any extra credit assignments you had managed to coax out of teachers, or study.

It honestly wasn't much of a shock to you when Fred grabbed your arm in the hallway and forced you into a big, warm, needy hug.

"I miss you," He said firmly. "I don't know what's going on but I can't not see you anymore, love. You need to tell me what's going on so we can fix it together."

Then finally, finally, you let yourself break. You just started sobbing. He turned you into his chest so no one could see you crying.

"We'll go to the common room, yeah? Come on," You took his arm and he led you to the Gryffindor Common Room and sat you down on the couch.

"Sorry," You mumbled, leaning into his embrace.

"Don't apologize," He told you, pulling a hand through your hair. "Just tell me what's going on."

"My grades suck. My parents keep sending me owls about it. I have so much homework and testing. I haven't felt very good lately either. I just feel so miserable and I'm so tired. I'm just so tired."

Fred listened as you vented everything on your mind. He resorted to rubbing your back when you got choked up. He wasn't sure what exactly to say or how to react but he came up with something.

"Hey, how about George and I help?" He offered. "I can go find him and we'll meet in the library to tackle all of those assignments. Then we'll take a trip out of the school, to Hogsmeade, because you need out of the castle."

"Fred I- you and George shouldn't have to- I don't want you to feel like you-"

"Darling," He stopped your ranting. "I want my girlfriend back. So I'm going to go find George and we'll come back to get you to go to the library. Alright? We'll snatch some snacks from the kitchens on the way and sneak them into the library. Because you haven't been eating either."

"I love you," You sighed, lying on his shoulder. "I need you so much in my life I don't know what I'd be doing without you."

"I know you do, my girl," He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead and stood up. "George and I will be right back."

You gathered your books and started walking towards the library when you saw the twins on their way back to the Gryffindor Common Room with their arms full of snacks.

"Hey, love!" Fred kissed your head as he and George walked on either side of you towards the library.

"We got all that we could find," George said.

"Hard though, the house elves are feisty today."

"It's alright," You shrugged a bit, not caring too much about the snacks. You had your twins. That's all you cared about.

The three of you settled in the back of the library. They watched as you started removing your books from your bag and laying out all of your homework.

Fred studied your face as you set them out. He saw how exhausted you were just at the sight of your work and knew he and George needed to do their best to not only help, but to cheer you up in the process.

You three got started, flipping through books and asking each other questions about certain assignments. You were specifically in charge of the Herbology work primarily because neither of the twins paid attention in that class.

While your eyes were reading over a set of instructions on the page for the tenth time praying for it to make sense in your head, you heard the twins snickering.

"Guys," You sighed heavily. "I'm not in the mood. I just need to get this done."

"Hey, love," Fred stifled a laugh. "You might wanna look up."

Rolling your eyes slightly, you allowed yourself a look up from your work- to see Harry Potter sitting where George was. You laughed.

"Hello! I'm Harry Potter and I'm the chosen one!"

"George I- how are you even-" You facepalmed as you laughed. You heard a whoosh of a wand and saw George change into Umbridge. "Oh god."

"You! Get to work! Or I'll use my disgusting cat plates to torture you into insanity!"

"George!" You laughed, slapping a hand over your mouth. "That isn't supposed to be funny!"

"But you're laughing!" George replied, still as Umbridge. "I wanna help how I can!"

"Oh, Georgie please, change back. Umbridge saying that made me feel ill," Fred remarked. George swished his wand and turned back to his original form.

Shaking your head, you tucked your hair behind your ears. "You two are gonna be the death of me."

"That's likely," George teased.

"Focus," You pointed to the Arithmetic assignment in front of him. "You were just bragging about how good you were at that. Prove it, Weasley."

"I will," He picked up his quill and inked it.

You finished up your Herbology work and moved onto Astronomy. You had to identify small drawings of the constellations. The boys started discussing Quidditch terms as they worked. Fred started humming and you immediately smiled.

"Remember this one?" Your boyfriend grinned up at you and kept humming.

"Yeah," You bit your lip. "You played it on your guitar for me the night you asked me to be your girlfriend."

"Hard to forget a moment like that, huh?" He squeezed your leg. "I don't think I ever will."

"I felt home for the first time," You admitted, looking back down at the page. "You're my home. Both of you are."

George beamed up at you. "Really?"

"Yeah, well, I'm dating your twin brother. It's only common sense for us to be close as well."

"You're not wrong."

You three studied into the night, missed dinner, and were sleepy but you got all of the work you needed to get completed done. Thankfully. The boys helped you pack up your stuff and they walked you to the common room.

"Hey," You pulled Fred aside as George slipped upstairs after a quick goodnight. Fred rested his hands on your hips and gazed fondly into your eyes. "Thank you. Seriously. You've gone and saved my life all over again."

"You could say I'm your hero," He joked, but you leaned up and kissed him passionately.

"You're my hero, Fred Weasley," You laid your head on his chest. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, darling," He gently swayed your warm embrace. Then started humming that same song. This time around you joined him.

He pulled back a bit and smiled down at you, tucked your hair behind your ear, and kissed your forehead. "My girl. I've got you. Come to me when you feel overwhelmed. You're not meant to go about life alone. That's why we fall in love. To have a life partner, yeah?"

"Yeah," You nodded, burying back into his chest. "I love you."

"I love you."

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