Fred Weasley: In My Way || Final Part

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It didn't take long for you to get used to having Fred around. Especially by nightfall. He brought food to you from the Great Hall because he'd had a feeling you weren't comfortable with going out there while everyone knows what happened to you.

He saved you from all of the pity stares and questions and unnecessary apologies.

Though you had trouble eating due to your throat being sore and scratchy, you managed a couple of bites and called it a night.

You and Fred had talked loads about favorites, from classes to foods to creatures to spells to potions. Everything really. You got to know each other and as he spoke and told about his favorite things, you'd begun to feel a warm and fuzzy feeling inside.

You couldn't hold back the smile.

"Hm?" Fred grinned. "What're you all smiley about?"

"Nothing," Your cheeks turned pink. "It's just... nice to not be scared of someone for once I guess."

"You don't have to be," He said, then snickered. "Until George and I initiate a prank war amongst our friends. Then be scared."

"Oh, my," You laughed alongside him. Once the both of you had gone peacefully quiet, Fred looked up from where he was nervously picking at his fingernails and let out a sharp sigh.

"I'm gonna be honest, alright? And if any of this makes you feel uncomfortable then just- please let me know and I can stop and leave for the night. Okay?"

"Okay," You felt butterflies begin to flutter around in your stomach.

"Holden has been in my way of you for a long time," Fred admitted. "I've had the biggest most embarrassing crush on you for so long. But when I saw you with Holden I backed off and kinda... shoved those feelings deep down and forced myself to forget about them. That's why I didn't know about the abuse because seeing you with him hurt. So I never saw it. Or you much... for that matter."

He looked up at you for a reaction. Your eyes were stinging with tears.

"Fred, that's beautiful. If only you'd said something sooner..." You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth as a few tears fell down your cheeks. "I've liked you too and I thought... that when you suddenly weren't around anymore that it meant that you didn't... feel the same. So I felt stuck with Holden."

"And I'm so sorry for not gathering the balls to say something," Fred said. "I'm sorry. I hope... you can forgive me for not defending you up until now. I could have stopped all of this."

"Rubbish," You sniffled. "You didn't know. Don't blame yourself. It's gonna hurt me further. Just... just know I'm not mad. And I hope that you still... feel the same?"

"Love, I've never stopped feeling things for you."

Your heart softened at his words. You've never had anyone show you real love. Or real feelings. Holden made sure of that. You're not used to any of this yet and all of the emotions coming with all of these new things are a bit overwhelming.

"I'm sorry. I'm just... this is new..."

"Don't apologize. It's gonna take some time," Fred reassured you. "I'll be here to help you the whole time, yeah? Whenever you need me."

"What if I always need you?"

"Well, then I won't be the only one needing someone," Fred's eyes met yours. But immediately glanced down when he felt your hand meet his.

You'd initiated the touch this time and it caught him off guard.

"I trust you," You told him with a sniffle. "Don't forget that."

"I won't. It's a blessing really," Fred smiled warmly and enveloped your hand into both of his. "I'll protect you, love. Okay? You and me."

"You and me."

The Weasley Twins One Shot Book Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant