Love & Loss :: Fred Weasley :: P1

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Prompt: Fred found out some heart stopping news about your parents. News that would surely rock you to the core. News he wasn't sure how to tell you. But once he did, and you processed it, he learned just how important he is to your life. (tw: murder/accidental death/lost family members)

He knew before you did. Way before you did. And he also knew that what he knew was going to absolutely destroy you when you found out.

Your parents were killed in a horrible accident. By aurors who mistook them for criminals.

Your mother and father were detectives going undercover to get information from criminals without being detected. It was a risky job with new death threats multiple times daily.

Near death experiences are a part of life for them. But they'd always promised to be careful. And they were.

Because their death wasn't their fault.

Fred instantly snatched George away from talking to a customer at the front desk so he could talk to him instead.

Fred explained what he'd seen and read in the Daily Prophet about your parents' death. George, who's heart broke for you, glanced at you from across the shop's first floor.

You were telling a group of small girls about the love potions that they weren't old enough to buy. They were curious so you chose to entertain them anyway.

The twins' hearts hurt for you just seeing how blissfully unaware you were. You smiled, and that's when the both of them realized that the smile they'd just seen on your face would probably be the last one they'd see for a long time.

Fred was torn between telling you about what happened to your parents now or if he should let you go about your day happily until tonight.

He decided on the latter. So he could soak in the sight of your smile for a little longer. But it didn't make him feel any better. In fact, it made his stomach hurt just thinking about how you'd react.

That's what was scary to him. Was that he wasn't sure how you'd react to all of this. He's only watched you process grief once and it wasn't good.

Even then, the loved one you lost wasn't related to you in the slightest. He was your best friend's godfather. Sirius was somewhat of a father figure for you when your own was too busy with work to write you or talk to you.

But that's what made you and your parents so close. You didn't have to talk daily to remain close. You all knew you loved each other dearly and that's what kept you all so tightly knitted.

Now... well, now you don't have that anymore.

The minute your work day was over, and you'd locked up the shop for the night, you wanted nothing more than to jump on the couch with Fred and his shirtless self while he calmly strummed his guitar for you to get to sleep faster.

But, when you'd gotten up the stairs into the flat you shared with the twins, you spotted the two of them talking together in hushed voices. When they saw you enter the flat, the conversation ended abruptly and George left the room with the excuse of needing a shower.

Fred had explained to George that he wanted to tell you about your parents alone, just you and him.

"Hey, Freddie," You tried to ignore how unsettled and slightly pale he looked. One hand slipped around his waist while the other slid up his chest as you hugged him from behind. "Hard day today?"

"Mhm," He mumbled. "Got some... scary news today. Blimey, I don't even know how to tell you correctly."

"What do you mean?" You inched back a little and met his hazel/amber eyes. "Did something happen?"

"Yeah, um... c-c'mere," Fred led you gently to the couch by hand and lit a fire in the fireplace with the flick of his wand. "There's been an accident..."

"Okay..." You began to grow concerned. "What... what happened? With who?"

"Well, you see," He rubbed the back of his neck nervously and sighed heavily. "Love, it's your parents. They've been killed. On accident. By aurors that they worked with."

"What?" You snickered. "Fred, that doesn't make any sense. It's... also not something to joke about. I know you pick up humor when you're tired. Maybe we should just go to bed."

"No, darling, look," Fred opened your hand and set the recent issue of the Daily Prophet to your palm. "Last page. Backside."

That's when you saw it. A moving picture of someone draping a thick cloth/blanket over the top of your now dead parents. They were lying next to each other. And holding hands.

They died. Holding hands.

You set the newspaper down, leaned your elbows on your knees, and covered your face with your hands. And sat in silence.

Fred sat next to you. Completely unsure of what to do to help you. He's still trying to figure out how you'll react.

"Love... I'm sorry..." He very faintly whispered. "I'm so sorry."

A shaky breath left your lips and that's when Fred kicked into action. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you onto his chest. You graduated from covering your face with your hands, to covering your face with his now unbuttoned work shirt.

The soft, toned skin of his chest was now exposed. The skin to skin contact was comforting.

Fred pressed firm, massaging circles into the muscle between your shoulder blades. So when you began crying, you had an anchor.

You needed it. Your sobs were painfully loud.

Your entire body shook with the power of your heartbroken cries. Even Fred shed a few tears. Just because you were completely falling apart right on his chest.

He's witnessing you in your rawest, most brutally honest form. He's witnessing your need for him grow by the second. He's witnessing your life changing right before his own eyes.

Finally, you ran out of energy to continue crying. So all you had left to muster were little sniffles and soft whimpers.

Fred continued to comfort you.

"I love you," He whispered very softly into your ear. His voice suddenly made you jump, so he tightened his grip on you and kissed your head.

With the flick of his wand, his guitar across the room began playing a soft tune on its own. No specific song in particular. Just a soft, gentle tune to match his soft, gentle voice.

"I love you so much. I'm right here to help you. I'm right here, love."

That was all your heart needed to hear for it to be calm enough to allow you to sleep. So with another prolonged and forced couple of blinks, your eyes closed shut for the night.

Fred ended up sitting with you for a little longer to make sure you'd stay asleep. He removed the self playing charm from his guitar and carried you to the bedroom.

Once he placed you onto the bed, your face instantly contorted into fear. But when he quickly laid down next to you and pulled you in, the fear went away and you were sleeping peacefully.

Fred knew you may have a nightmare. You're probably going to wake up. But all he cared about was making sure you knew that he's there for you, he loves you, and is here to help however you'll need him.

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