Fred Weasley: Ill

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Prompt: You wake up sick at the flat

It's not often that you and Fred get some time alone. Which is why the nights that you spend with him are so much more important to you both.

After leaving Hogwarts, both of the twins started working on their business full time. Then they hired you onto the team just so you had an income and something to do during the day.

What hasn't happened often is either of you getting sick. But apparently that fact decided to change this morning. You woke up in yours and Fred's room in the flat above their shop feeling like you had been hit with their family flying car right in the stomach.

Unfortunately, as you woke up completely, your body seemed to realize you were awake. So it felt the need to refuse its contents in your stomach right then and there. You found yourself jumping off the bed and sprinting down the hall to the bathroom.

As you got sick, the door behind you opened and Fred came in. Half asleep and shirtless.

"Oh, are you sick, darling?" His voice sounded genuinely concerned. "I'm sorry. Here."

He held your hair back for you as you groaned and hunched over the toilet again and threw up one last time. Then weakly you leaned back on his legs with a faint and tired whimper.

"Come on, love, come here," Fred bent over and picked you up in his arms, then carried you back down the hall to the bedroom. "Oh, your cup's empty. That probably doesn't help."

Fred reached for his wand and muttered the water spell and filled your cup with water. He pressed the rim of it to your lips.

"You should drink, love. It'll help."

You managed a few small sips before you couldn't hold yourself up anymore. Your arms that you propped yourself up on gave out so you just laid there on the bed and tried your hardest to get comfortable.

"You don't have to call off work," Fred began, climbing into the bed next to you. He gently placed his hand on your hip and stroked his thumb along it. "Because I'm your boss."

You wanted to laugh but you just couldn't get yourself to. You felt so genuinely ill. So you managed a faint grin at his humor but it didn't last long. You winced and rubbed your stomach.

"Freddie," You teared up. "Why do I feel like this?"

"The tears won't help, love. You're alright," Fred wiped the tear from your cheek, his hand cold and relieving on your skin. You let out a faint moan and grabbed his hand, pressing his palm to your cheek. "Is that nice? Yeah, I bet. You've definitely got a fever. I'll see if I can get my mum over today to see you."

"I love you, Fred," You mumbled softly, keeping his hand on your cheek.

"I love you too, darling," He kissed your temple and laid his head down on the pillow next to yours. "I'll be here to help you, okay?"

After a nod you fell asleep again. With difficulty, but you managed to get back to sleep. Likely because of how safe and cared for you felt because Fred was right there next to you.

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