Fred Weasley: Jealous

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Prompt: Fred's finally getting noticed by girls as himself, but he gets too carried away. basically, you get jealous. very jealous.

It started when everyone came back to Hogwarts for the year of the Triwizard Tournament. You hadn't seen your ginger boyfriend the whole break and you missed him.

But after a quick reunion, Fred became very aware of all of the feminine attention he was receiving and it threw his head for a loop. Especially since it had been ages since he was crushed on as himself and not his brother.

You let it go, not wanting to seem like an overprotective and clingy girlfriend, but when he started making girls laugh at meals or joking around with them in classes, it was harder to keep your composure.

So you avoided him. Full cold shoulder effect. What broke your heart the most was that he didn't even seem to notice your absence at first.

What was a sore broken heart turned into frustration and anger, so you not only distanced yourself from Fred, but you shut out everyone.

That's when your friends and family noticed. Harry and Ron kept trying to point out to Fred that you had been taking his new affections hard but he was too distracted with the other girls that he forgot about the one he already had.

Ginny and Hermione spent many days and nights trying to encourage you and tell you that those other girls that had his attention had absolutely nothing on you. And that he'd eventually see the mistake he was making.

The anger softened into hurt again, grabbing the attention of a certain Hufflepuff. Cedric became very aware of your boyfriend's mistake and made it a point to keep you company when you felt low.

One night, when Fred came into the Gryffindor Common Room, quite literally being followed by a whole posse of girls, was the last straw for you. Finally, you stood up for yourself and called him out.

"You enjoying yourself?" You scoffed at him, finally- finally catching his attention. "Tell me, Weasley, when was the last time you even looked my way?! Or said hello?! Or anything for that matter?!"

Fred was shocked. He obviously hadn't thought that what he was doing was bad- or he hadn't noticed how much what he was doing was bothering you. Either way, he had been oblivious up till now.

"Love, I'm with friends?" He replied calmly, seeing how worked up you were becoming.

"Friends. Yeah, okay," Unamused, you rolled your eyes. "I guess you wouldn't mind if I started spending time with Cedric and Draco again, then, right? They're just friends."

The girls that had been following Fred around dispersed when they saw how intense the argument was becoming.

"Malfoy? Don't tell me your feelings for that petty pure blood are coming back?" He asked you, a bit of a shocked expression on his face.

"Oh, it's different now, huh?" You were trying so hard to hold back from this boy. "It's different when I go back to guys I used to mess around with now, huh?! What about you and Angelina?! Or whatever her name is! I love you, Fred! It hurts seeing you completely forget that I even exist!"

"You- you love me?" His cheeks turned red. Everyone in the common room was now watching your argument. You had a pretty interested audience. "I didn't know, darling, I'm sorry. I-I was so caught up in all of the attention I was getting for once. I'm so sorry."

"Am I not enough?" Your voice cracked, only making Fred that much more guilty. "Fred I-" You scoffed, wiping a tear from your cheek. "I didn't see you the whole break. I miss you. I miss you so much and you barely give me as much as a hello before every pretty girl steals you away from me."

"Love, you're more than enough, I'm sorry," He frowned, then reached out for you arm and pulled you into his broad chest. "I don't know what happened. I guess I'm insecure. All my life it's been me having to share with George. I don't ever have things to myself and when I do I don't know what to do with myself."

"You don't have to share me," You reminded him. "You have my whole heart, Fred. I don't want anyone else and it hurts me when you can just forget about me like you did. Because you're my everything. I couldn't ever forget about you."

"I don't deserve you," He kissed your head. "I'm guessing we should both be a little more open with each other when it comes to feelings. I promise you I'll do better."

"No more girl posse?" Your eyes met his chocolate brown ones.

"No more girl posse," Fred repeated, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear, then leaned down to kiss you softly on the lips. "I love you too, darling."

The Weasley Twins One Shot Book जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें