George Weasley: Pretty Girl

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Prompt: he finds you self harming because of your hatred for your body. good thing he's got some truths to combat the lies your inner demons have been feeding you
tw: self harm/self hatred/breakdown

"Hey, hey, hey, no. Nope," George walked into the bathroom at three in the morning.

You were seated on the toilet lid cutting yourself wherever it hurt most.


"Give it," He took the blade from you and threw it away. He was frustrated but as soon as you started crying his face softened. "Love... come here. Hey, no, come here."

You tried fighting him off but it was of no use. He was much stronger than you. He pulled you up onto his lap and hugged your chest close to his own.

He held you and rubbed your back as all of the pent up emotion unfolded at once.

"I h-hate myself, Georgie..."

His heart broke the second you finished that sentence.

"Good thing you've got someone like me who adores you to teach you how to love yourself, huh?" He hugged you closer and rested his head on your shoulder. "I'll teach you, love. But- but no more of this hurting yourself, okay? It hurts my heart knowing you're doing this."

"I can't..." You mumbled. "I've- I've tried..."

"Hey, come here," George got up and led you by hand to the bathroom mirror on the wall. He turned you to face it but you closed your eyes.

"This is only gonna make it worse," You told him.

"Look," He urged you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled your back into his chest. You opened your eyes and saw him smiling at you through the mirror. "Here is one of the many reasons why I love you. When I hold you like this we look like puzzle pieces. We just fit, yeah? Don't you see it too?"

"Yeah," You leaned your head back on his upper chest.

"And this. Merlin, this," George snickered when he tickled you and you laughed. "That laugh gives me butterflies. And your smile is one of the many lights in my life. I need this smile."

"Georgie..." You pursed your lip a bit. "Stop."

"No," He nuzzled his nose into your neck and kissed you there. You angled your head slightly so he would have more access to your skin. "You're my darling. You're my love. I'm gonna teach you how to love yourself. You're so much more than enough."

Your heart softened at his near poetic words.

"I love you."

"I love you too, pretty girl," He told you, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "No more hurting yourself okay? Please?"

"Okay," You nodded, turning back to face him. Burying your face into his chest, you wrapped your arms around his neck. He bent down a little and grabbed just under your butt.

"Jump, lovely," You did as told. "Bedtime. Rest time. Okay? Let's go get you to bed."

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