George Weasley: Take Your Pain

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Prompt: "it's almost over I promise," (or) you get hit with Crucio during the Battle of Hogwarts. George drops down next to you to hold you through the pain until it fades.
||tw: torture/pain/trauma||

He wasn't prepared. Not in the slightest. No one could really be prepared.

You and George were fighting side by side during the great Battle of Hogwarts. You had held off quite a bit of Death Eaters and members of Voldemort's army. You two were hopeful, and beginning to see the end of the big fight.

Until you were hit with the torture curse, blindsiding you, and causing you to scream out in pain and fall to the cold stone floor of the castle, writhing in pain and sobbing.

For George, time seemed to slow and still as he dropped down next to you and pulled you into his lap. His eyes were wide in shock and tears fell from them like a waterfall. Your eyes were squinted shut as you cried in pain, letting out a weak scream between stretches of tears.

George did his best to anchor you though the pain. He caressed your face and combed a hand through your hair, but neither were proving effective. That was, until he began speaking. You tried to focus on his voice as the last of the curse seemed to be approaching. The pain was dulling but slowly.

"It's almost over. I promise. I'm right here. It- it doesn't usually last long as a one hit. It's almost over. You're okay, my love, I'm here with you. I've got you."

As the pain subsided, you felt weaker and weaker. You weren't crying anymore, just letting little whimpers slip between your slightly parted lips. You looked up at George, the last of your tears drifting down your cheeks.

George wiped his own tears and smiled down at you sympathetically, then kissed your head.

"You're alright now, darling," George said. "It's over. The battle's won."

Fred was standing behind George. When you saw him put his wand away and sigh heavily, you finally relaxed. It's over. It's all over now.

"Come here. You obviously can't walk," George said as he picked you up in his arms. You snuggled into his chest and held onto him as tight as you could with what strength you had left.

Fred followed behind you two as you entered the Great Hall where families were either rejoicing the end of the battle or mourning their lost loved ones. Molly and Arthur Weasley, along with the rest of their children and their lovers, instantly crowded you three.

"Oh, what's happened?! Is she okay?!" Molly gasped, her tired hands immediately going to tuck your hair behind your ear. George sat on what looked like a fallen part of the castle, a chunk of rubble essentially, and helped you sit up on his lap.

You were happy to see everyone you love alive and okay for the most part. But you're still coming out of the shock of the cruciatus curse. So you buried yourself into George as best you could and wrapped your arms around his torso. Your eyes closed and laid your head on his shoulder.

"Cruciatus curse, mum," George explained for you as you rested in his arms. "She's just a bit out of it. Give her a moment."

"Oh, I see. Well. Glad to see you both are alright. Please, let me know if you need anything," Molly carefully yet lovingly rubbed your back, then turned to hug and greet Fred and check in with her other children.

"I've got you, love," George whispered to you quietly. "Nothing's gonna hurt you while I'm here. You're safe, I promise."

"Love you, Georgie..." You mumbled out tiredly.

"I love you too, my strong, beautiful girl."

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