Fred Weasley: In My Way || P3

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"Well, hello, Neville," George mused when Neville approached the two ginger twins.

"Hey. Guys, I need your help with something. And it's... a private thing."

"Okay," Fred raised an eyebrow. "I'd be lying if I said you didn't look like your favorite plant just died."

"Feels like it. I feel helpless," Neville sighed. "Are you two aware of that Slytherin Holden?"

"Gray? Yeah," The twins both made disgusted looks. "What's he done now?"

"It's what he has been doing that's been going on for too long," Neville sighed. "He's been abusing his girlfriend. I witnessed it today. He smacked her across the face. Hard too. Had to take her to the nurse once I got her to trust me."

"Trust you? Blimey... she sounds like a scared dog," George frowned. "I had no idea that was going on."

"It's going to end. It's gonna end and I'll make sure of it," Fred stood up but George yanked him back down onto the couch. "George?"

"Listen. We have to go about this carefully. If we just out and confront him about it, he'll blame his girl and she'll get hurt. We have to think about this."

"Smart," Fred sighed. "Okay. Well. What's the plan then?"

"We spy on him," George answered. "We watch him around her. And if we witness another instance of abuse, that's when we confront him. That way she won't get hurt because she wouldn't be to blame for us seeing him hurt her himself."

"I knew I could come to you two," Neville beamed. "Thank you so much. Really. I spoke with her today. She flinched when I tried to take her hand. He's hurt her so many times and not just physically either."

"She scared," Fred scowled. "It's cruel. We'll get her out of this. I promise. And if he tries to lay a finger on her I'll make sure he's kicked out of the damn school. He should be to begin with. Domestic abuse is not something we should even have in the building."

"We'll expose him by spying, then once it's all on the surface we'll make sure Headmaster is aware of what's been going on," George explained further then stood to his feet. "C'mon, Freddie. Now's the best time to get started. You'll focus on keeping an eye on her while I watch Holden."

"Was gonna watch her anyway without you even having to ask, mate."


You'd just left potions when an all to familiar hand gripped your wrist. "Longbottom is lucky I don't consider him a threat. Pudgy little nerd. Got wind of him babying you."

"He's not pudgy," You said. "And he just took me to the nurse."

"Nurse?" Holden shoved you into a wall. Your head smacked into the stone so hard that you yelped. "Did you tell him anything?! Did you?!"

"N-no, Holden, I didn't," You cried softly in fear. He has that look in his eyes. The one he gets when he's so enraged he might physically hurt you. Every part of you grew tense and shaky. "I didn't! Please!"

"God, I love it when you beg," His hand gripped your throat way too tight. You found yourself gasping for breath and your head grew light on your shoulders. "Do it again. Beg."

"Please..." You whispered weakly. "Please... c-can't... please... b-breathe..."

"Hey!! Get off her!!"

Holden tightened his grip on your throat when he turned around to see who'd begun confronting him. Your face began to turn pale and you desperately clawed at his hand on your throat.

Fred, who saw you struggling and quite literally being suffocated, balled up his fist and clocked Holden right in the side of his head. With him knocked unconscious, George rushed to help you. Seeing as someone like Fred, who's dealing with anger and protectiveness, would scare you.

You'd fallen to the ground coughing so aggressively that blood had come up. Your throat burned as you audibly gasped for air. There was a gentle hand on your back but you couldn't register who's it was. You also heard multiple professors' voices but Snape's stood out.

They took Holden somewhere but you didn't know where. The only thing you managed to process in your compromised mind was the feeling of a warm chest to lean up against and a pair of strong arms carrying you towards the nurse wing.

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