A Very Weasley Christmas :: Fred Weasley :: Part Two

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"What do you get someone for Christmas who doesn't give many hints?" You asked yourself as you began running a brush through your wet, fresh out of the shower hair. You were trying to brainstorm ideas for a gift for your boyfriend but you're having a hard time coming up with anything.

"Hey, are you decent?" You heard George knock on your door. "I have to speak with you."

"Yeah, come in, Georgie."

The tall redhead entered your room and shut the door behind himself. When you motioned for him to sit on your bed he did so, watching you brush your wet hair at your vanity.

"What's up?" You asked your best friend.

"I was wondering what were the kinds of things you'd like as gifts for Christmas."

"Did Fred put you up to this?" You chuckled to yourself. He snickered and facepalmed.

"It's really that obvious?"

"You both are horrible liars."

"To some we're alright."

"To the gullible you mean."

"Ouch!" George laughed. "Taking offense!"

"Aww did I hurt your feelings? Poor Georgie... you want a hug to fix it?"

"I mean..." He pouted. "I wouldn't deny one..."

"Attention deprived," You sat next to him and hugged him. He hugged you back.

"No but for real. What were you thinking?"

"I'm not sure. I haven't given myself much time to think about what I'd want. I've been too busy thinking about everyone else."

"Ooh. What do you have planned for Fred?" George perked up.

"Nothing," You scoffed. "I have absolutely no idea what to get him. And going out window shopping is pointless. I keep getting distracted by that pet shop by Olivanders."

"Aw, softie," George cooed.

"You'd be too if you saw a puppy staring at you through a glass window. Don't deny it. I've seen you with the Pygmy Puffs in the shop."

"Okay. Okay. You've got me."

"What would I even get for him? I'm seriously clueless."

"Well, if there's anything I know about Fred, he loved handmade gifts. I think he's the only one who ever gets excited about mum's knitted gifts every year."

"Have you seen me knit, George?" You snickered. "I couldn't knit a teddy bear's ripped hole if my life depended on it."

"Good point."

You sighed. "I don't know. I really don't know this year. I'm clueless. Last year was easy. I bought both of you materials for your new shop. But you two have everything you ever need. You're overstocked on everything under the sun. There isn't a thing you need over there."

"Maybe more work hands but you can't really gift that," George offered with a laugh.

"Not really," You agreed. Then sighed and rested your head on his shoulder. "What am I gonna do, Georgie?"

"You'll think of something I know it," He got up with a sigh as well. "I've gotta get to the shop and make sure the evening staff locked up as they should have."

"Okay," George left your room. It used to be Charlie's room but he left it open after he moved out. Now it's yours.

"Hello, love," Fred snaked his arms around your hips from behind. "You showered without me?"

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