George Weasley: Little Love

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Prompt: since 'Little Weasley" took ended, I've had a few more requests for more dad George. so. I listened.

Finally. Finally you had joined George back in your bedroom to sleep after putting your infant daughter Sienna up for bed in her nursery.

You laid down for maybe fifteen minutes before you heard her crying again from down the hallway. George woke up this time and prevented you from getting back up.

"I'll get her, love," He kissed your head. "You always get up with her. It's my turn."

"You have work, Georgie," You mumbled a reply but ended up falling asleep anyway. George laughed quietly before leaving your room and entering Sienna's nursery.

"Oh, little love," He picked her up out of her small crib. "There isn't one reason why you should be so upset right now. You're home and safe and I've got you."

George sat on the comfy rocking recliner next to Sienna's crib and began rocking her. As they rocked, Sienna stopped crying and instead just looked up at her father with big caramel colored eyes.

The ones she had inherited from him.

"There we go. See? You're okay, lovely," George kissed her small cheek. "You're so soft. You know that? You got mummy's soft skin."

George smiled down at his daughter when she opened her mouth to speak but all that came out was the cutest little coo.

"Oh, well, I agree!" George replied as if Sienna had said a full sentence. Sienna giggled and continued making little sounds. "I love it when you talk to me. I get to hear your beautiful little voice. But, little one, you should be sleeping."

Sienna fussed, so George lifted her up and laid her against his bare chest.

"No more tears," He kissed her head. "You're here with me. With daddy. You're nice and safe and cozy."

Sienna's tiny pink hand pressed gently against George's chest. Then she let out one last soft coo before she drifted off to sleep again.

George sat with her on the chair for a while, just enjoying her closeness. He loved holding her. She's so small and he loves being able to take care of such a little thing.

It's a nice break from all of the hard work he does in a day.

George eventually got up slowly to make sure he didn't wake his girl, then gently laid her in her crib. Sienna's stuffed lion was in the corner of her crib, so he tucked it under her arm so she'd have something to cuddle.

Then he stroked her cheek, kissed her small forehead, and left the room. Once he entered the bedroom where you were lying fast asleep, he climbed onto the bed next to you and pulled you to his chest.

So he could hold his other girl close to him.

And fell asleep.

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