Fred Weasley: Behave Yourself

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Prompt: No quote. Fred comes home with a few items from a men's clothing shop in a muggle city and wants your opinion on how he looks with them.
tw: dirty jokes;;adult themes

"Love?" Fred entered the flat he shared with you and George. "Darling, I need your opinion on something!"

"Yes, Freddie?" You stepped out of yours and Fred's room dressed in nothing but one of his quidditch jersey's that went down to at least the top of your knees. He blushed when he saw you and set his bag down to pull you into his arms.

"Well, look at you," He attacked your face with little kisses. "You're just the most adorable thing on the earth, aren't you?"

"Okay, okay!" You laughed. "Stop making me blush. What did you need me for?"

"Dad and I went to something called a shopping mall today. In muggle London. He was on a project to study men's fashion in the muggle world so we went to their 'mall' thing. I bought a few things and wanted your opinion."

"Ooh, okay," You smirked at him, suddenly very curious about what your redheaded boyfriend had brought home this time.

"Okay, so I first have these..." Fred took out a slip of cardboard that had two black and two silver rings attached to it. "I've been wanting to get into wearing rings. I wanted your opinion. I tried on a few in the shop and thought they looked good."

You bit your lip as he slipped on one of the black rings.


"Is... is that a good whoah? Like... I need context here. You're hard to read right now, my love."

"It's a very good whoah. Like- you somehow just got ten times hotter whoah," You took his hand into his, admiring how much bigger it is than your own now adorned with a ring. "They look really good. I already love your hands but somehow they just got so much more attractive."

"Really?" He beamed, loving the praise and the fact that you approved of something that he liked. "Okay, okay, since we're on this roll of you liking things. What about this?"

Fred reached into the bag and pulled out a silver chain. You watched as he clipped it around his neck and set his hands to his sides to make sure you could see him better.

"I don't know how you do it," You laughed. "You just keep getting hotter, Fred Weasley, and it's dangerous. It's very dangerous."

"You like it? Really?" His smile got impossibly larger. "I'm so glad. Really. Okay, last thing. I'm thinking about this. It's still... in the works. But I'm considering it and I don't want you to judge me."

"Why would I ever judge you, Fred? You live with me," You scoffed. "I'm a lot to handle."

"That you are, darling. We're insane together," He pecked your lips quickly, then showed you two small bottles of nail polish. A black bottle and a silver bottle. You slapped your hand over your mouth and looked into his eyes.

"Freddie," You gasped. "Oh my god... you'd look so good. That's not okay. That's so not okay, I won't be able to control myself. More than I already have trouble doing."

Fred seemed to relax a little bit. "Oh thank Merlin. I thought you wouldn't like it because it's a women's thing. But apparently it's a thing for guys in the muggle world around my age. I wanted to try it."

"Let's do the black," You snatched the bottle of black nail polish and his hand, then pulled him to the couch. You sat him next to you and placed his hand on your thigh as you unscrewed the cap of the nail polish bottle.

You were just about to begin brushing his nails with the color but his hand gripped your thigh tightly and you jumped, butterflies filling your stomach and sending a tingle straight up your leg.

"Freddie!" You gasped. "Don't do that! I don't wanna get paint on your fingers!"

"I can think of a better place for my fingers to be," He smirked and you set the bottle down just for the purpose of being able to slap his shoulder because of that dirty joke. "Sorry! I'm sorry! Please, continue. I couldn't help myself. You put my hand here."

"Behave yourself," You blushed furiously as you began brushing the paint onto his nails. Before you knew it you had finished one of his hands. "Freddie you look so good."

"I think so too. Not as good as you though," He kissed your cheek. "But really. Thanks for not judging me. I thought someone would poke fun because it's technically a women's thing."

"Rubbish," You scoffed. "It's a men's thing now. You've just proved that to me. Wow. Gimme your other hand. I wanna do the other one."

Fred was now gripping your thigh with both hands and your butterflies swarmed thicker. A chill raced down your spine but you continued anyway. Once his other hand was finished, you waved a quick-drying spell over his hands with your wand and he pulled his hands up to look at them.

"Thanks, love. They look great."

"You're welcome, Freddie," You went to stand up but Fred yanked you back down onto his lap and slipped a finger across your cheek. "Fred..."

"I really do appreciate you being so supportive of me. Where the hell did I do something right in my life to deserve you?"

"You told me you loved me and meant it," You blushed. "You earn it every day by taking care of me. I love you for it."

"I love you too," He kissed you deeply. "Now... have I behaved myself enough?"

"For what?" You asked. He gave you a hungry smirk and your cheeks reddened. "Oh... um... I guess. But- George comes home in a little bit. We barely have five minutes."

You gasped as Fred picked you up over his shoulder and started walking towards your shared bedroom. "I only need three."

a/n: okay- I'm obsessed with the thought of Fred wearing rings and a small chain. like- 🥵🤚🏻 I also painted my nails black today and felt to add that in here too. guys with painted nails is hot-

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