Fred Weasley: Oops?

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Prompt: you dropped something you never meant for anyone to see.

You'd just gotten out of the shower. You retreated to the warmth of the water in hopes of some kind of relief from the wave of stress that rocked your body only half an hour ago.

Who would have thought a three letter word would have such an insanely huge impact on your life. But it has.

After dressing yourself, you'd made your way out of the bathroom and down the stairs. What you hadn't noticed was when you stepped off that last stair, your feet had quite a bit of bounce in them. And a little plastic something dropped from out of your pocket.

You didn't notice right away. Thankfully, your best friend Harry wasn't far behind you on the stairs and nearly stepped on that something that you'd dropped. He picked it up as his eyes widened.

"Uhm... this yours?" He nudged your arm to get your attention. Once you'd turned and seen what he'd been holding, you snatched it from his hands and shoved it back into your pocket. "Jeez! Bit snappy today, are we?"

"Shut up, Harry!"

"But... it's yours? You're... pregnant?"

"Yes, Harry, yes I am. And I was just about to come to you about it."

"Well, shouldn't Fred know before me? Does he even know at all?"

"No," You admitted firmly. "And he won't. I can't burden him like that. He and George are so excited about starting their joke shop. I don't want to throw a wrench in their plans."

"But you're pregnant with his baby!" Harry yelled way too loud.

"What?" His voice made your stomach hurt on the instant you heard it. Your redheaded, very freckled boyfriend came into view as he reached the bottom of the stairs. "You're what now?"

"Gods," You face palmed and sighed frustratedly. "I'm pregnant, Freddie, with your kid."

"Bloody hell, no way!" The ginger boy grinned brightly. "I am going to be a father?!"

"Yes," You grumbled and shoved the positive pregnancy test into his hands. You didn't even look up to watch his reaction to it. Your cheeks were burning so your eyes were on the floor.

"This is brilliant, love!" He suddenly grabbed your stomach on each side with his hands. "I'm so excited that we get to do this together!"

"You're not... mad?"

"Why on earth would I be mad?" He chuckled. "My fault just as much, darlin'. All we can do is make the best of it right?"

"Okay," You managed a thin smile and hugged him back when he pulled you in. "I guess if you're not upset and are all in with this... it won't be as bad as I'd thought."

"The scary question is..." Fred pulled back and laughed, biting his lip as his eyes met mine. "Who's telling my parents?"


over 80k reads? guys- 🥺

I don't even post here regularly! I feel so bad when I can't post because of life issues but you all still support and love here?!

you all are positivity wonderful humans and I truly, truly do not deserve you all in the slightest. thank you so so much for all of the support. it means the entire world to me.


- F

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