George Weasley: Touch

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Prompt: you're touch sensitive due to a past of abuse. your relationship is early and he doesn't know.

"Hello, darling," George entered his bedroom. You were peacefully reading a book on his bed waiting for him to come home. "Seeing you at the end of a long work day is wonderful."

"Aww," You looked up at him, smiling. "It's mutual, love."

He removed his coat and shoes, then climbed onto the bed next to you. Your hands started sweating and shaking. But you tighten your grip on the book to hide it.

"I just wanna hold you," George leaned into you but you flinched and pulled away. He pulled back as well, a concerned look adorned his face. "Darling, I'm not going to hurt you. Are you alright?"

You bit your lip. "I-I just had a um... a bad past with... physical contact."

"Oh," He gave you a supportive look. "Can I help you with that? We can go slow. Like I could... do this," He reached his hand out towards yours, his fingers lightly grazing your wrist.

You sharply breathed in, but didn't pull away. You kept eye contact with him, his eyes kept you calm. "Okay..."

"Yeah?" He gave you a sympathetic smile. "See? I don't plan on ever hurting you, lovely."

Out of sheer confidence, you interlock your fingers with his. He blushed a bit. "Baby steps..."

"Bit by bit, darling. I'm in no rush."

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