George Weasley: Fights

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Prompt: You get into an argument with another guy about your relationship with George and he actually hurts you

"I just can't believe someone like you would even turn his head! And why the hell would you ever date those poor scum!"

"Poor?!" The rage bomb you were keeping calm deep inside you exploded at the sound of this man calling your boyfriend and his family poor. "They may not have a lot of money, but at least they're not cheating, lying, two-faced women jumpers like some of the people who do!"

"Cheating?! Excuse me?!" He growled and stood to his feet to size you up. What was a simple argument has now developed into a fight. And people were gathering to watch. "You have no right to call me any of those names!! Didnt you cheat on Weasley once?! He only took you back out of pity!"

"I was drugged you daft dimbo!" You fired back. "Because apparently guys got jealous of how much I love George and wanted me for themselves!"

"You deserved it," He smirked. "You deserved that entire situation and I held myself back from adding more of that potion to your drink."

"You did it?!" Your fists clenched. "You almost ruined my relationship!! The only thing that keeps me happy!! How cold are you?!"

"Oh, not very confident anymore are you?" He sneered, enraging you even more. "Tell me, you weren't saying you loved George that night though, were you? No... see, I remember your pretty little moans... my name... how good I was making you feel..."

You hauled off and slapped him across the face. Hard. It echoed down the hallway, gathering the attention of your boyfriend and his twin brother. Who saw just in time when the boy you were fighting with gave you a hard slap that knocked you to the ground.

George saw red. And nothing I'm the world, not even Voldemort himself, could stop him from barreling towards that guy and ending him.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?!" George growled, shoving past the ring of students watching the fight. "I'm gonna give you to the count of three to get your ass out of my face. And if you lay one more hand on her I swear I will make your life a living hell."

Everyone was shocked. They expected violence from Fred more than George but yet... here he was.

"Ooh, you wanna join in, Weasley?!" The guy grinned. "Try me."

"Oh, you're asking for it now!"

George lunged at the guy but when he saw you sit up with blood trickling from your nose and a bright red hand mark on your cheek, his heart stopped.

Fred saw his brothers pause and jumped into action. He held the guy back while George helped you to your feet and got a safe distance away. Apparently after you two left, Fred threatened the guy with magic and that made him leave. Reluctantly.

The crowd dispersed and Fred found himself trying to find you and George who had slipped into the bathroom to tend to your wounds.

"Georgie I'm fine," You mumbled, pulling away a bit when he went to dab your nose to clean up the blood.

"You're not. Don't lie. We both know you're holding back," George answered, grabbing your hand so you could stop pushing him away as he cleaned your face. "There. It doesn't seem broken. There isn't too much blood either. I think you're alright."

"Yeah, externally," You whispered.

"What did he say? You know what- no, never mind. Because it doesn't matter what he said. What matters is me and us and I love you. Right?"

You shook your head as your jaw clenched. "He called you and your family poor again. You know I can't hold back when someone uses that word."

"So you got into that defending my family?" George asked. "Love, I appreciate you but getting bloodied up out of defense for my family isn't something I'm ever going to be okay with. We already have Fred doing that."

"He was the one who drugged me with that potion last year. He nearly ruined our relationship, George. I couldn't just let that slide."

"Love," George frowned. "That's in the past okay? He already got punished for it and you still have me. That's all that matters okay? I love you."

"I love you too," You hugged him close with a breath of relief. "I just- you're my soft spot. I can't control myself when someone hits that nerve."

"I know. But it looks like both you and Fred are gonna have to learn self control a little better, yeah? I can't have you getting into physical fights for me anymore," He pulled back. "I can't have you getting hurt. Promise?"


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