Fred Weasley: Music

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Prompt: you're staying at the Weasleys' over break. you can't sleep and find yourself in the kitchen for water. but you overhear someone humming to guitar music in the living room.

It's late. You don't know how late- but it's late. Not only was it hard for you to sleep in a room with two other girls, but you're in a proper home setting for once and it's a bit uncomfortable for you.

You were lying awake for what felt like hours, before you got the idea to go downstairs and find some water. So silently, you rose from the bed and left the room, shutting the door behind yourself. Then you ventured down the stairs and into the kitchen.

You found yourself a glass and filled it with water in the sink, then leaned against the counter to sip it. When you heard a soft voice humming along to quiet guitar music.

You set the glass down and peeked around the corner to see none other than Fred Weasley sitting on the couch with a guitar, strumming and humming quietly. He was shirtless in sweats and looked tired as well.

"Hey," You softly spoke. He looked up at you with a bit of a grin.

"Can't sleep either?"

"No," He looked back down at his guitar and kept playing the song he was playing. "You can stay. I don't mind."

"Wasn't really planning on leaving," You sat next to him as he played. It was dark, but there was just enough light from the moon shining through the windows for you to see him.

The toned muscles in his back and arms from many years of quidditch were the first to catch your attention. Then his soft ginger hair. He just looked so perfect while only sitting there.

"I didn't know you played," You told him, trying to spark conversation.

"Oh, yeah... you'd likely expect this from George, huh?"

"Yeah," You sat up to watch him play. He seemed so advanced with the instrument like he could play it in his sleep. "But you play beautifully."

"Thanks, love," He softly smirked, knowing that his words would likely affect you. "Sit back, relax, let me play for you."

"Okay," You laid back on the couch, finding yourself snuggling into a pillow next to him. He kept playing and even began to hum again.

Soon, you found it hard to keep your eyes open, so you closed them.

"Thanks, Fred," You mumbled tiredly.

"Of course," He whispered back to you. "I'll keep playing until you're completely asleep, don't you worry."

"Oh, don't tell me that. I might force myself to stay awake now."

"You couldn't if you tried," He said, you couldn't see his face but you knew he had that smirk on his face. You heard it in his voice. "You're already drifty. Sleep, you deserve rest."

"So do you," You told him. "Promise you'll get sleep once I fall asleep."

"I promise," He said. "Now, stop forcing yourself to stay awake."

"Okay, okay," You answered, closing your eyes again.

Soon, you found yourself falling asleep to the sound of his humming and guitar music. He then turned to see you asleep and set his guitar down, grabbed a blanket from the hamper, and draped it over you.

Fred made sure you were tucked in properly, admired your sleeping self, then went upstairs to bed knowing he had made you fall asleep with a smile on your face.

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