"Draco darling, Y/N?"

Draco opened the door again and walked to the railing, which was was very close to his door.

"Yes mother?" Draco replied, slightly shouting down the stairs.

"I'm going to Diagon Ally," she called back up.

"Okay," Draco said over the railing.

"Be good kids," Narcissa spoke again.

I heard a purse clattering and a door shut and Draco went back into his room and shut the door behind him.

He turned to me, a lustful look on his face. I knew exactly what he wanted, I wanted it too.

Come to think of it, I don't even remember the last time we have had sex.

He locked his door and pulled out his wand.

"Muffilito," he spoke and pointed his wand at the door.

"Didn't Narcissa leave? Why did you need to silence the door?" I asked.

"The house elves," he stated as he put his wand on his dresser, knocking over a Quidditch figure. "Plus darling, I don't want you to be silent; I want you to be as loud as you can. I can't have mummy ruining that for me, can I?"

My breath hitched and my panties soaked at the words he teased me with.

He pulled off his black blazer and left his black button up shirt over him.

"No, you can't," I stuttered and walked towards him.

Without hesitation, Draco grabbed my face roughly and kissed me.

My hands ran down his shirt and I tugged at the edge of it so he could pull it off.

We pulled apart for a split second and he took the opportunity to pull off his shirt and exposed his abs.

He breathed heavily and pulled off my Nike crew neck.

"Why so many layers?" He groaned harshly.

He pulled me back in and out lips connected.

Draco ripped off my button up that was underneath the crew neck and exposed the lace bra choice from last night.

He bit my lip and pushed me onto his bed.

I pulled off my fishnets and skirt and he pulled off his pants.

I sat up in his bed, he followed and sat in front of me.

I made the move this time.

Why did he always get to be the one in control?

I straddled him and felt his sick get harder beneath me.

I kissed him aggressively and he was clearly taken by surprise.

He grabbed my chin and pulled away.

"You think I'm going to let a little slut be in control here? Not gonna happen," Draco chuckled.

He pushed me back onto his bed and towered over me. His hair fell over his forehead and the expression upon his face showed that he was hungry.

He reached one of his hands behind my bra and unclipped it.

The lace bra fell off of me, leaving my chest for him to see.

Draco started kissing down my jawline and down my neck, hitting my sweet spot.

I moaned in pleasure as he hit it. He kept kissing down my neck and my chest.

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