T H I R T Y - O N E

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I discussed the cabinet situation with Draco.

I explained how we fixed it, how it took a while for Narcissa and Bellatrix to send me back through.

He looked relieved to say the least.

But that was an hour and a half ago.

Now I'm walking down the corridors, trying to find Daisy.

I needed her help, I needed her to tell me what to do with Draco and Kayden.

It was just a kiss between Kayden and I, nothing more and that's how it was going to stay, Kayden knew it and so did I.

Our hearts just simply belonged to other people; his with Hannah (though he won't admit it) and mine with Draco.

I needed Daisy's help telling me how I could fix this. Draco is bound to find out soon enough and is already jealous enough of Kayden for his own good.

I don't even know why I'm worrying about this, honestly!

Yes I do, I need to fix this.

I'm fucking scared as always.

I don't want to risk anyone's life but I can't live without him.

That's fucking selfish.

But when have I ever been completely selfless?

I speed-walked down the corridors until I saw a familiar head of honey blond hair.

Luckily, the Potions classroom was nearby so I just grabbed her petite arm and yanked her into it.

"What the fuck?" She screeched as I slammed the cellar door.

"I need your help," I groaned.

She clutched her heart dramatically.

"You fucking bitch, I thought you were like Sirius Black or something coming for kill me," she whimpered.

I rolled my eyes and bit my lip nervously.

"What is it you numpty, spit it out," she pressured.

I took a deep breath.

"Don't hate me," I said.

"I won't,"

"Swear to it,"

Her eyes bulged slightly.

"It must be really bad jeez," Daisy giggled.

"Fucking swear to it Beaumont,"

She held up her hands defensively.

"Fine, fine I swear,"

I took another shaky breath and I looked down at the floor.

"I made out with Buckley,"

She gasped and clasped her hand to her mouth tightly.

"Why?" She asked.

"Cause Malfoy's fucking Astoria Greengrass," I hissed.

"Ahh an act of jealousy," she pinned.

I nodded.

"Kayden and I are still best friends though. We did this all the time last year when we went through break ups. We don't have feelings for each other. At least, I don't," I explained.

She nodded.

"I believe you, tell that to Malfoy," she shrugged.

I bit my lip slightly harder and started tapping my leg on the floor.

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