S E V E N T Y - F I V E

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August 21, 1997

Draco had not completely forgiven me, that's for sure.

He'd ask me about it randomly, asking me things like "do you actually love me?" and "you're sure you're not using me?" when we're alone.

Even after all the reassurance I give him, he still feels the need to bring it up.

I mean, it's been hard but nothing can be as bad as it could be if Draco wasn't here.

He didn't necessarily approve of torturing Hannah, but I did it anyway.

I did it less, obviously having less anger to take out on someone else but when I'd get frustrated about the Horcruxes, I'd go down there and give Hannah a couple seconds of torture to sooth my thoughts.

I honestly didn't care what Draco thought on the manner. Bellatrix taught us everyday and I was improving while he was still stuck.

I had managed to use the Imperious Curse on a chipmunk to come over to Draco and I.

Bellatrix ordered me to kill it, and — although I tried — I couldn't manage to kill it.

I confided in the diary every night and took it upon myself to go to bed earlier to write in it.

When I didn't write in it, I would get anxious and have to leave the room I was in.

It was a compulsive obsession.

Draco had noticed me leaving constantly and questioned me what I was up to. I told him it was nothing but I'm sure he didn't believe me.

I've been having tea with Narcissa a lot more lately as they haven't needed Draco and I for many tasks.

Our main one is Hogwarts and my father seems to want us occupied with one offence right now, just to keep us busy.

"So, how are you and Draco?" Narcissa asked, a clean teacup clanked on a small decorated plate in front of me.

I thanked her with a nod.

The Death Eaters had been out on a mission to overrun Gringotts. I had a feeling the Goblins would put up a better fight than some of the Wizards.

Narcissa awaited my response as she hovered the teapot above her teacup while switching glances between the amber liquid falling out of the spout and me.

"The same," I responded. "I mean, there's not anything new at the moment until we return to school."

She frowned. "Yeah, you're right."

"Do you want us to go back?" I asked her quickly.

"Uh- well, not really but if the Dark Lord days you have to go, you have to go. I have Lucius now." She tried putting on a fake smile.

I placed my hand across the table to touch hers, lovingly. "I'll visit you every single holiday, I promise. And, I'll even bring your asshole of a son along."

"Ahh, asshole? What did he do?" She smirked and brought her tea to her lips.

"He's just Draco," I rolled my eyes. "Nothing new."

"Nothing new." She repeated.

"How are you and Lucius?" I asked her. I brought my teacup to my lips and took a small sip of the tea.

She paused. "He's ridiculous! He spends all of that time in his God-forsaken office. I can't stand it!"

"Then confront him." I suggested, shrugging my shoulders.

"No." She told me.

"Why not?"

"Because it's nothing new," She quoted me. "He's just Lucius."

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