F I F T Y - F O U R

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June 10, 1997

Kayden, Blaise, Theo and I were on our way to the Quidditch Pitch with each of our brooms in hand. Draco was reading (I asked him if he wanted to come and he said no), Pansy and Daisy ended up 'studying' in the library.

They were probably just sitting at a table stalking Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger to get the latest scoop on their relationship. Alana was with Ginny and Luna.

Kayden promised me earlier on in the year that he'd teach me how to play the Beater position in Quidditch -- he's a Beater too. The other boys came because they wanted to work on their skills too; or they wanted to make fun of me.

I convinced Draco to lend me some of his Quidditch gear on top of the jersey he gave me a while back. Kayden said that if I wanted to work on being a Beater, I needed the proper equipment.

As we made our way to the Pitch, I saw Hannah sitting on the bleachers. She pulled out one of her books and started reading.

Blaise grabbed my broom out of my hand and took off sprinting to the middle of the field. I ran off after him calling his name.

"Come get me Malfoy!" Blaise teased. I felt my face heat up; I was blushing for sure.

He was referring to the big, bold, white letters on the back of the Slytherin jersey 'M-A-L-F-O-Y' followed by '07'.

I met Blaise mid-field and snatched my broom -- which was also Draco's -- out of his hand.

"Take this again," I started, beginning to threaten the boy. "And I'll chop your dick off,"

"Daisy would kill you for that one," he laughed.

"Draco would kill you for ruining his precious Nimbus 2001," I spat back.

Blaise threw his head back cackling. "He would, wouldn't he?"

I gave him a death stare and he gave me a cheeky smile. I couldn't hold it anymore and let out a giggle. "He would,"

"Better not ruin what he got with 'daddy's money'," Blaise chuckled.

Kayden and Theo caught up to us, panting. Their -- previously clean -- Quidditch uniforms were covered in dirt and grass stains from playfully pushing each other onto the ground.

Theo pulled up beside me and nudged me hard. I gave him a short death stare too and nudged him harder. He rubbed his shoulder with his opposing hand and glared at me. "That fucking hurt,"

"Okay, and?" I replied, a joking tone lacing my voice.

"And Zabini and I are going to destroy you in Quidditch, Malfoy," he smirked.

I groaned. "Is this going to be an ongoing joke for the rest of the day?"

"As long as you're wearing his jersey it is," Kayden chipped in.

"Oh, well, brilliant then," I said as sarcastic as possible.

"There are worse things we can call you," Blaise retorted.

"Oh really?" I pouted sarcastically. "Give me an example, Zucchini. I fucking dare you,"

Blaise put up his hands defensively. "Joking,"

I furrowed my brows at him before smiling triumphantly. Kayden smiled brightly. "One second," he said before running into the change rooms.

"Well Malfoy, let's show you how it's done," Theo smirked. He nodded at Blaise and they both straddled their brooms and started flying up in the air.

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