T H I R T Y - F O U R

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Draco and I made our way to the Quidditch field after our last lesson of the day.

We haven't played Quidditch in what felt like a lifetime and needed something to distract us from whether or not we failed the task at killing Dumbledore.

We kept nudging each other and laughing as we made our way to the broom shed.

"I'll beat you back out," he winked as he dashed into the change rooms.

"Bet," I yelled back at him.

He had a practice uniform since he was on the team earlier this year — he quit due to the stress of our task — I had nothing.

I did have a wand though, so I used a non- verbal 'Accio' to get myself a pair of leggings and a baggy t-shirt.

It was better than my uniform that I currently had on and if I really wanted a Quidditch uniform, I'd have to get one tailored.

I walked into the change rooms and threw them on as quick as I could. I ran out into the cold early March air and goosebumps flared on my arms.

I didn't mind though, I liked the cold; especially at this time of year.

The snow was melting as there were only little patches along the grounds and you could still see your breath in the air.

Spring was approaching but Winter was still here.

I went into the broom closet and picked myself out an old Nimbus 2001 from a member of the Slytherin Quidditch team.

I'm sure they wouldn't mind.

Well, even if they did, Draco could shut them up as his father — Lucius — was the one who bought it for them in the first place.

I walked out to see Draco in his uniform already, clutching a Quaffle in one hand and his Nimbus 2001 in the other.

"I win," he teased and I crossed my arms as I walked over to him.

"I'll still beat you at Quidditch though," I shrugged and hopped on my broom.

"We'll see about that one," he huffed and mounted his own.

We started flying up and he threw the Quaffle at me.

"Ladies first," he said.

I shook my head and smiled slightly.

"On three, two, one!" I shouted and he chased me around the pitch.

Draco was really fast and honestly didn't get enough credit for his Quidditch skills.

He's always been really good but Harry Potter is just amazing at it and makes Draco look bad every time.

That pisses me off.

Everyone always sees Draco as a waste of time.

They only take into account the fact that he treats people the way he does and never takes into account why.

They don't care that he's a top student in all his classes, that he's an excellent Quidditch player and etc.

They only care about the way he treats the Golden Boy, the way a professor turned him into a ferret once in fourth year, his snarky comments and his Pureblood beliefs.

It's rather annoying actually.

See, I make fun of some of those things but that's not all I care about.

What people don't see, is Draco can love, he can be good. He just doesn't know how.

And neither do I.

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