F O U R T Y - T W O

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Kayden's been so off lately and it's been weeks since the break up.

I felt horrible for him. He hasn't been cracking any jokes, hasn't been smiling or even acknowledging anybody who tries to talk to him.

He's heartbroken.

"Isn't Kayden's birthday coming up?" Alana whispered to me as she sat with us in the Slytherin common room.

We managed to sneak her in, Draco forced the other students not to say anything.

Kayden was sitting on Pansy's usual armchair with an empty look on his face that has grown to normal in my mind lately.

He's let himself go, truly. His hair was a mess constantly, he looked tired and the dark bags under his eyes didn't do him any favours.

Everyone was doing homework. Our exams were in a month and right about now, everyone was on top of it.

Except Kayden.

Alana had her O.W.L's fairly soon and seemed as if she was concentrating on her work, well, before she asked about Kayden.

"Yeah, May 13th, why?" I told her and got back to my work.

She bit her lip and nodded. "No reason. Just wanted to know,"

I kept glancing at the brunette to see her eyes focused onto the boy sitting in the armchair.

"Are you sure you don't know what the breakup was about?" She whispered while still looking at him.

She had nothing written down on her paper.

"Nope, no clue," I lied.

She huffed and looked down at her empty parchment. "Are the O.W.L's as hard as everyone makes them out to be?" She asked louder so that everyone could hear her.

"Well, last year we had Umbitch as our Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher so, yes, they were," Daisy giggled and dipped her quill into a bottle of ink sitting on the coffee table. "Why did we even join the Inquisitorial Squad anyways?"

I forced a laugh. "Draco forced us, 'member?"

"I didn't force you guys into shit," Draco murmured and stopped playing with the ring on his finger.

"Yeah, you did. You said:" Blaise cleared his throat to mimic Draco. "It's up to us to see what Pottah is up too. If you guys don't do this, you'll regret it,"

Everyone except Kayden laughed.

I was impressed with Blaise because that's exactly what Draco said. It all came flooding back to me.

Draco on the other hand, huffed and sat lower into his chair.

I laughed. "That's exactly what you said!"

"Fuck off," Draco hissed.

I smirked and closed my books, going over to sit beside him on his armchair. He didn't make room for me so I sat partly on the arm and partly on Draco's lap.

"Don't be all grumpy," I pouted and shook my head at him.

Draco rolled his eyes and went back to playing with his fingers, mumbling things I didn't understand.

I got comfortable on his lap and watched the rest of the room, Blaise still impressed with himself for successfully making the room giggle, Alana smiling and staring at her page as if there was something deep on her mind, Daisy's head rested on Blaise's arm as she read a portion of a book for Care of Magical Creatures.

Pansy and Theo sat on the floor, Theo was doing his best to help Pansy with her work and trying to keep his cool. Pansy was definitely not the best to try to tutor.

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