S I X T Y - E I G H T

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I showered, got into my dress, curled my dark brown lock, put it into a high ponytail and put on some basic makeup with red lipstick.

It was a nice birthday outfit and I was pretty proud of it.

After checking myself in the mirror again, I went downstairs to see what Draco had planned for me.

He was wearing his normal black suit and had his hair nicely swooped on his head.

"Hey," I said while making my way down the stairs. "Isn't it a bit hot for a suit?"

"I don't get hot. Besides, I know what you're doing. You're trying to get me to take my clothes off. It just may work." He sneered.

"Well done, Draco. Finally seeing into my little plans, aren't you?" I laughed sarcastically.

He took me by the hand and kissed my forehead. "All jokes aside, you look stunning."

"I know I do, I always do," I giggled and held his hand tighter in my own. He chuckled but I could tell he wanted a compliment too. "And you look flawless as always."

"Why, thank you. I know." He teased.

Draco pulled me out of the Manor and to the fields of flowerbeds and peacocks ahead.

"What are we doing here?" I asked, swinging our hands around as we walked side-by-side.

"Taking a walk." He insisted. He pulled me along the grounds of Malfoy Manor and told me all about the plants and stuff.

Draco always had a liking for that kind of thing. He didn't admit it — because according to him, it was 'dumb' , but I thought it was really cute.

"How did you get such a liking for this kind of thing?" I asked as the hot, summer sun flooded my senses.

"I used to play on the grounds all the time, alone. I don't have any siblings and needed something to do because my parents were always working. So, my mother suggested that I go play out in the garden and it became my favourite thing to do. I guess I haven't really grown out of it." He ranted to me.

I think it's nice. Draco's sharing things that no one else knows about him with me.

Maybe I should say something.

"When I was little, Pansy was the favourite, I'd say — Why wouldn't she be? She's Penelope and Richard's actual daughter. But anyway, I used to get all salty about it and write like 15 diary entries in a day. I kept them under a loose floorboard in my bedroom, I bet I could find them." I explained the priceless bit of information to him.

Maybe that's where I got my love for writing and diaries.

"We should go get them." Draco suggested.

My brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"Let's stop by your old house and get some of your things. I'm sure Penelope and Richard wouldn't mind, I mean, they're Death Eaters too. We could just tell them you wanted somethings from your old house." He came up with his plan.

"What about Pansy?" I scoffed.

"Avoid her. She's probably at Nott's house anyway." Draco pointed out.

His plan was making sense. I nodded. There was just one small problem.

"How do we get there?"

"We fly of course." Draco said in a 'duh' sort of tone.

"Okay, then. Let's go." I said, now excited.

"Now?" Draco questioned.

I scoffed. "Yeah, now."

Dark Secrets (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now