E I G H T Y - E I G H T

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December 27, 1997

I had warned Draco the very night I had found out about the diary. I told him everything.

I don't care if my father finds out. Draco has to be prepared.

He reacted fairly well to it all. Wincing when I told him about Hannah's brutal death and going as pale as his body would let him go when I told him about how we'd be tortured for our apparent sins.

Overall, Draco took it as I'd expected him to. He wasn't bad at all, just a bit worried about being tortured. I was too.

But the other day was Christmas, and it was very shit Christmas to be honest.

There are no decorations anywhere, no cheer, no 'Happy Christmas' from anyone. Nada.

It was completely horrid.

The only thing good was that I didn't have to hide my relationship with Draco anymore.

We could talk in front of the Death Eaters and hug. Not kiss, never kiss. But we showed little affection.

He opened the door for me and treated me with kindness instead of how we would act if my father didn't know.

Lucius was displeased by this information. You could see him glare angrily every time he saw me with Draco.

He clearly didn't know before and Narcissa hadn't told him.

I know why he didn't like it too. Although I was his masters daughter, I was a Half-Blood and Draco was Pureblood which means that if Draco chooses to marry me, then the purity of the Malfoy line would end.

Lucius didn't like that so he gave Draco and I the cold shoulder, which I didn't mind. Lucius was annoying anyway.

Narcissa would talk about weddings every so often now ever since Draco and I told the Death Eaters about our relationship.

It wasn't a secret anymore.

The ideas of weddings used to scare me. I never, ever wanted to get married, or have kids, or really get with anyone that wasn't a quick hookup.

With Draco, it was different.

The idea of marriage doesn't seem so horrible, I consider the idea of kids and being with Draco longer than Hogwarts is all I want.

For Christmas, Draco and I were the only one to exchange gifts. He got me a silver necklace with the Malfoy crest on it and I got him a hoodie with the Slytherin crest in the corner of it and another silver ring.

We both got Narcissa something too. I got her a bottle of liquorice mead and Draco bought her a couple boxes of her favourite teas. We both pitched in and also got her a charm bracelet with a bunch of cute charms on it.

"Draco," I whispered. He looked at me with one of his eyebrows furrowed. "Come  here."

He walked over to where I was in the Kitchen. Narcissa was setting the table in the Dining Hall and I was to help her. She sent me to get the plates so here I was.

I just so happened to see Draco walking down the Hall on his way to the Library.

"Yes?" He asked. Draco looked around and — when he saw no one around, snaked his hand around my waist.

He didn't understand.

I bit my lip in worry. "Draco, I think tonight's the night."

My hands went behind me to grab his off my ass and I brought them into mine, in front of me.

He realized what I was implying and his face went white as paper. "The night we're going to be tortured?"

"Yes." I said, letting out a shaky sigh.

Dark Secrets (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora