S E V E N T Y - S I X

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August 31, 1997

Albus Dumbledore sat in his office, reclining calmly on his desk chair. He had been worried. Severely worried.

He gazed down at his hand, a marvellous gold banded ring with a black crystal sat on his ring finger.

Around the ring, a curse that produced a black rash circled around it. It was contained, but he was bound to die soon.

The ring had been cursed by the owners of it.

The Gaunt Family. Or, well, specifically, Tom Riddle, Heir of the family.

"It's being destroyed." Dumbledore spoke calmly, as if accepting his own fate.

A greasy haired professor by the name of Severus Snape had walked in, holding a bottle of some kind of antidote.

"The ring?" Severus asked, a mere sense of panic in his voice.

Dumbledore sighed. "Yes. The second of Voldemort's Horcruxes to be destroyed."

"And the first one was the diary?" Severus' usual blank voice was filled with a slight hint of amusement.

"Yes, — as you know — Harry Potter destroyed it in his second year." Dumbledore replied.

"Yes, of course," Severus nodded. "But will he be able to destroy the other Horcruxes the Dark Lord has created?"

"I'm sure of it." Dumbledore said, spinning the ring on his finger in circles.

"There are seven. Find them all, and rather than Hell, your life will be Heaven." A high voice warned. It didn't belong to Snape, nor Dumbledore.

I awoke with a violent start. I had been shaking.

Without thinking of anything else, I grabbed my diary from its hiding spot under my bed and began writing all about the dream I had just had.

Snape and Dumbledore had been conversing and I hadn't been there.

But it had seemed so, so... real.

The sound of my quill scratching and my heavy, quick paced breathing filled the room around me.

My heart beat quick and when the time came where I had finished writing every possible thing I could remember, I dropped the quill and slid everything back under my bed.

I checked the time on my watch I had set beside me.

4:03 am.

Of fucking course it was.

I wasn't going to be able to go back to bed now. I was wide awake.

I stood up and made my bed, brushed my teeth and hair. I also changed into a black skirt and an emerald green tank top.

I didn't feel like doing makeup today, so, I didn't and I grabbed my cloak, wand and Death Eater mask and ran down all flights of stairs until I reached the dungeons.

It was too early to wake up and I needed something to do.

Torturing Hannah Abbott just seemed to be the perfect thing on the list.

I smiled at the thought as I slid my hood over my head, covering my hair.

I pushed open the door to the 'SPECIAL CAPTIVES' and have a small giggle.

"Hello," I said in a sing-song voice. "Get up sleepy head."

I hit the bars on Hannah's cell with my wand and she jerked awake. She gulped and her tired eyes fluttered.

Dark Secrets (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora