T H I R T Y - E I G H T

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Today's the day.

March 30, 1997

Over the past two weeks, I've been thinking about why I would possibly need such an elegant dress like this for a date and every time I brought it up, he'd shut me down over again.

He got out of the Hospital Wing this morning, just as Madame Pomfrey promised.

She still wanted him to go back every well for a quick check up but he was free.

He didn't let me see him all day though.

He wanted me to meet him at 6 pm on the Astronomy Tower.

But he wouldn't say anything else.

So, our date must be on the Astronomy Tower but I can't imagine why I'd need such a stunning dress for the occasion.

I got ready anyways.

I curled my hair as I usually do, put a little extra makeup on then usual and a bunch of jewelry.

I told the girls what I was up to, just that I didn't want help getting ready.

I didn't want them seeing my Dark Mark as the dress didn't have any sleeves.

So, to show them, I threw on a jean jacket over top.

"It's the Astronomy Tower, it may be cold up there," I excused when Daisy asked why I was wearing it.

"Okay, okay," she replied.

Once I was ready to go, the girls hugged me and told me to memorize everything and to tell them exactly went down after the date.

I nodded and hurried off to the common room when the boys howled at me playfully.

It was only Theo, Blaise and Kayden. They always did that kind of stuff to Daisy, Pansy and I and honestly, we just didn't mind it.

They've been doing it since third year.

I rolled my eyes and stalked off.

"Bye boys," I sang.

"Bye Mrs Malfoy," they all sang back in unison.

I snapped my head around and gave them cut eye.

They all turned around and started whistling.

What the fuck are they on?

I laughed to myself before leaving past the gargoyles and hurrying up to the Astronomy Tower without being caught and made fun of by anyone I knew.

I got to the stairs of the Tower and I got quite nervous as I started walking up them.

If you told second year me that in four years time, she'll be going on her first date with the love of her life — Draco Malfoy — she'd probably have a heart attack.

Even fifth year me would have a heart attack.

I got to the top of the stairs to see Draco standing at the edge of the Astronomy Tower, looking down at the ground below us; the wind blew through his well kept hair and carefully picked up his black blazer.

I pulled off my jean jacket and walked over beside him.

"It's six o'clock," I looked over at him.

"It is," he whispered. "And you look gorgeous,"

"And you look dashing," I blushed.

"I always do," he teased. "Even when I'm bleeding out from a curse Potter shot at me,"

I put my hand on his shoulder. "Are you better?"

"I think so," he smirked. "I mean, I can do this can't I?"

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