E I G H T Y - T W O

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December 15, 1997

Kayden Buckley's POV

Snape had made the school a nightmare.

We had no more free will or anything. The only place we could really 'let loose' was in the common rooms and there were rules there too as well.

If you didn't follow the rules, you would be tortured by the Carrows and their two mystery students.

For months the Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and occasional Ravenclaws that got in trouble in the mess explained that they were tortured by two mystery students of the school that both Carrows nicknamed 'Riddle' and 'Blondie'.

I heard chatter from the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall saying that both of these people are masked, cloaked and have weird spells on their voices to make their voices seem more intimidating and unrecognizable. The talking ceased the moment Snape walked into the Hall and demanded silence.

One thing was clear, they were a boy and a girl.

I just can't seem to imagine why someone would want to do that.

The Head Boy and Girl: Draco Malfoy and Y/N Parkinson lead the group of Slytherin students of all ages down to the dungeons to the common room for the night.

Pansy and Theo behind them and Daisy and Blaise behind them. I was behind Blaise and Daisy beside Daphne Greengrass as we walked down the hallway in tight knit groups.

"Hey Buckley," Daphne started. I gave her a soft hum of acknowledgement. She continued. "Who do you reckon those two torturer kids are?"

I chuckled. "That's one way to start a conversation, Greengrass."

"No, seriously. I mean, who's next? It may possibly be a Slytherin. We have to be thinking about this too, Buckley." She said, in deep thought.

I turned my head to her and sighed.

"Well, I have a feeling 'Blondie' is the girl, so maybe..." I started.

"Daisy Beaumont!" Daphne said.

I immediately scowled. "No way! Daisy would never be a Death Eater!"

"And why not?" Daphne argued. "Plus, I wasn't talking about Death Eaters. I would have a different answer if it came to that one."

"Well, I'm just saying.. maybe they are Death Eaters. You never know. But let's  just say we were talking about Death Eaters, who would you say then?" I asked.

I knew who I'd choose. I mean, I noticed how much they've distanced themselves from the rest of us since last year when they'd go off alone.

I noticed when they started only wearing long sleeves and noticed when they freaked out if their arms were even slightly showing.

I noticed everything.

That's how I figured out what was going on with Y/N and Draco.

Daphne started humming in a short pattern whilst thinking. "Draco Malfoy for sure."

Shit. I panicked.

"No, he's not. I can promise you that." I defended a little to quickly.

"What about what Scarhead said about that night on the Astronomy Tower? It seemed pretty valid to me." Daphne snorted.

I felt my fists clench and shook my head avoiding my gaze from the girl beside me. I found myself spitting out my answer. "Now you believe fucking Scarhead? Why would you even trust anything that git says? He's been after Malfoy from the start."

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