S E V E N T Y - S E V E N

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September 1, 1997

Draco and I entered a vacated compartment at the end of the train. It's kind of funny how just last year, we hadn't been together.

We didn't know each other like we do now.

Narcissa was sad to see us go and hugged us goodbye eagerly.

We had stayed with her until the last 10 minutes where we got on the train in order to catch a good spot.

We sat opposite of each other, staring out the window.

It had been one Hell of a Summer and now it's going to be a Hell of a school year.

"Excited?" I asked Draco for the first time. "To be going back, I mean?"

He looked into my eyes and muttered. "Of bloody course not."

Our luggage had been safely hoisted into the top compartments and I had held my diary in my hands.

An enchantment was over it to cover the name on the front and the words on the pages inside.

"What's that your holding?" Draco questioned me, peering over my crossed arms, trying to see what I was holding.

"A journal. I figured, I should start writing in one as a form of coping rather than what I did to Hannah. Saying, well, I can't do that anymore, can I?" I explained in a well thought out lie.

"No, you can't," A little bit of relief flooded his tone. "Hey, listen abo-"

The compartment door slid open and Draco and I turned to look at who came in.

A boy with radiant brown eyes, floppy dark hair and a dazzling white smile was at the door panting.

My one and only best friend; Kayden Buckley.

I felt a lump form in my throat as I watched him, happy as ever gleaming at me.

"Fucking bitch," he said. "You scared the shit out of me."

I jumped out of my seat and engulfed him into the biggest hug I could, basically squeezing the life out of him.

Tears pricked at my eyes; happy ones. I couldn't believe it. Maybe, things were looking up.

He pulled away and sat beside me. The compartment door slammed shut and he looked at Draco — who didn't look to pleased.

"Marvellous seeing you, Malfoy. It's been a while hasn't it?" Kayden nudged Draco's arm playfully.

Since the last time I had seen him, Kayden was glowing. He had been giddy and fun to be around. A brighter template of his old self.

The light in his chocolate brown eyes glittered.

Draco let out a tiny sigh and the edges of his lips perked up. "It's nice seeing you too, Buckley."

"So," Kayden dragged on, leaning back. "Are you going to tell me where you were all Summer, or?"

"Wasn't planning to." I shrugged. He scoffed and tapped his legs on the ground impatiently.

"Come on!" He whined like a toddler. "I'll tell you something if you tell me where you went."

"Like what, Buckley?" I teased.

He snickered. "Like the gender of the baby."

My eyebrows raised and my mouth opened wide. "Is it a girl?"

Kayden shook his head.

"Boy?" I shrieked. He nodded. "A boy! You're having a boy!"

Kayden smiled even broader and laid himself back. "Brilliant, right?"

Dark Secrets (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя