F O U R T Y - F I V E

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I felt pain rush through my core as Draco and I ran down the corridor to the boys dorms.

We stopped, waiting to see if we heard noise from the door. When we didn't, Draco grabbed my waist — ruffling the shirt he gave me — and reached for the doorknob.

He opened it to reveal a sleeping Kayden and Alana. They were tangled tightly in the sheets of his twin bed. Theo and Blaise weren't in there, luckily.

Draco chuckled and pushed me into the room lightly. "Hey!" I hissed at him. He smirked at me as we reached Kayden's bed.

"Three," Draco whispered as he reached the foot of his bed too. I pulled my wand out and pointed it at the two.

"Two," I mumbled. Draco pulled his wand out as well.

"One," we said in unison. Draco gave me a wink before we both casted the same spell over the sleeping pair. "Aguamenti,"

Water splashed on both of their faces and Alana woke up shrieking and sitting up, holding a blanket over her boobs. The shriek shocked Kayden and he rolled out of bed with the bed sheets to cover him.

Draco and I laughed at the two.

"Happy birthday Kayd!" I said excitedly before confetti flew from the end of my wand.

"What do we have here?" Draco analyzed the room. Alana's face flushed dark red and Kayden's eyes went as wide as they could — I was surprised they didn't pop out of their sockets.

"N-nothing," Kayden stuttered and stood up, still holding the sheets around his waist.

"Must've been an excellent birthday present," I cackled. Draco laughed even harder as Alana buried herself in the blankets. "Draco, what'd you say we leave these two alone now?"

Draco smirked at me. "With pleasure,"

We stalked off towards the door and Draco left the bedroom first. I turned as I was closing the door and gave the couple a cut eye. "You're explaining everything later, is that clear?"

"Crystal," Alana replied, clearing her throat.

I shut the door and Draco grabbed my hand, leading me back to his room. I felt a devastating pain shooting through my forearm.

For fucks sake.

He slammed the door and rolled up his sleeve, the skulls mouth opened as a long snake ran out of its mouth and wriggled around his arm. Draco's breath hitched and he bit back his tongue.

I felt mine do the same and raised my sleeve up. The pain made me dizzy and I grabbed the headboard of Draco's bed.

Draco cursed as he basically ran to his washroom and slammed the door.

I fell back onto his bed and put pressure on the bottom half of my arm with my other hand, making sure I don't accidentally call my father by accident.

I took deep, hard breaths as I heard more cursing and the tap turn on in the bathroom. A couple tears ran down my eyes and I tried to conceal it.

I assumed he pulled me in here because he felt the pain on his arm and knew I'd feel it on mine any second. So, instead of either of us suffering alone, we're now suffering together.

"Fuck," Draco shouted and it sounded like he hit something. The tap turned off and I wiped the tears from my eyes as he opened up the door. "This fucking mark is ruining our lives,"

"No shit," I sniffled, trying to conceal the tears from escaping my eyes again. No way was I going to let him see me cry. He's seen that enough.

The pain was slowly fading and the Dark Mark was slowly forming itself back to its original position.

Dark Secrets (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now