F I F T Y - T H R E E

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Kayden's head threw back as he tipped the remainder of the ember yellow whiskey down his throat. He had is arm wrapped around Hannah and Alana sat on the floor, picking at the carpet.

Draco's arm was around me and we both had Fire Whiskey in our hands as well. I could tell Draco was distressing, this is what he needed right now. It was his birthday after all.

Theo cleared his throat and got up from Pansy's grasp. Daisy giggled as Blaise went up to join him. The two girls scooted closer to each other as they watched their boyfriends swig their arms, getting ready for something.

"Malfoy!" Theo shouted. "You're fucking 17 you dip shit!" He patted Draco roughly on the shoulder and Draco straightened himself out. He gave them a faint nod before taking a sip of his own drink.

"Only just noticed that, Nott?" He retorted.

"Just pointing it out," Theo slurred and downed what had to be his fourth glass of Fire Whiskey. He made a sour face and threw his arm around Blaise. "Let's do this Zabini!"

Blaise nodded and cleared his throat in a coughing pattern, covering his mouth with his arm. "Happy birthday to you," he sung.

Daisy and Pansy giggled. Then, they joined in along with Theo and Blaise. "Happy birthday to you,"

Now, Hannah, Kayden and I sung along with the others, Blaise still leading. "Happy birthday dear Malfoy,"

"Hush!" Draco insisted but we kept going. I quieted him up, using my hand to place around his mouth.

"Happy birthday to you!" Everyone's voices but Alana's and Draco's echoed through the Slytherin common room.

I removed my hand from his mouth and placed a small kiss on his lips. Which he enhanced a tad by placing his hand on my upper thigh. I smirked at him as I pulled away, suggesting that I did want that as much as he did.

Blaise and Theo fell back onto the couch laughing and Pansy got up to go get Theo another drink since he asked.

She's like a house elf.

We sat in the common room for another hour or two; with everyone presenting Draco with the birthday gifts they got him. He was hesitant to take them, but surprisingly was grateful.

Alana barely talked the whole night. She didn't have any drinks — which I expected and would've told her off if she did — and didn't try to add herself into any conversations. I'm not sure she was even mentally here with us. She just sat there, on the floor, picking at the strings in the rug.

Every now and again, I'd catch her glancing at Kayden and Hannah. I saw tears swell up in her eyes by the end of the night and before everyone headed off to bed, went to go see her.

"Hey, Lana," I whisper-shouted as I caught up with her. She was reaching the wall, about to head out of here and head back to the Gryffindor dormitories.

She paused, spun to face my direction with her hands folded in front of her. "Yes?"

I saw the tear building up in her eyes and I knew she wanted to leave. But for some reason, I couldn't let her, not yet.

"Follow me," I said and looked both directions to see if anyone was listening to our conversation. No one — from what I could see — was, so I wandered off, expecting Alana to follow me to the corner of the common room.

She did and we got to our secluded area. She pressed the heels of her hands to her eyes, trying to relieve the tears from her eyes with pressure.

"I know it's hard Lana. I'm so sorry," I mumbled and rubbed her back comfortingly with my right hand.

Dark Secrets (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant