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My consciousness awoke to the calming sound of birds chirping. I stretched slightly when I lightly hit something behind me.


My eyes fluttered open, the morning light flooded my eyes. I rolled over to my other side, the side he was on.

There he was in all of his glory, he was still sleeping but he looked decently healthier already. I knew he needed sleep.

I glanced at the watch on my arm, 10:30 am. It was a Saturday, so most students were probably at Hogesmede.

Kayden was talking yesterday about how he was going to Hogesmede with Blaise and Daisy. Well, more like whining about it because he didn't want to third wheel. I told him I'd go with him but I guess he realized that I was probably in the same position as last night.

I got up out of Draco's bed quietly and cautious not to wake him up. I walked to his washroom to take a shower and to get decently ready. I'm sure he won't mind.

I shut the bathroom door and dug through Draco's drawers. I'm pretty sure I saw a bunch of new packaged toothbrushes in there when I was looking for a hairbrush.

Eventually, I found what I was looking for and used that and his toothpaste to brush my teeth.

Once I was done that, I saw a stack of clean, white towels. I picked one up and placed it on the almost pool sized bathtub, right beside the large glass shower.

I turned the water on, adjusting the temperature so it was the way I liked it and removed the clothes from last night, which were actually rather uncomfortable.

I entered the shower and let the steamy water take over me. I realized I forgot to look for soap and glanced around Draco's shower for some shampoo and conditioner.

To my luck, Draco had bottles of shampoo, body wash and conditioner.

"Yes!" I mumbled as I looked at the label of the shampoo.

Green apple scent.

I looked at the other two bottles and they said the same thing.

Typical Draco.

I washed myself up and got out. Then my dumb ass realized I didn't bring more clothes and I didn't want to put on the clothes I came in here with.

"Shit!" I mumbled as I wrapped the towel around me.

I looked in the mirror and made a disgusted look at the look of my tangled, wet hair, makeup running down my eyes and over all composure.

I rummaged through Draco's drawers again and found his hairbrush. I brushed my hair out with it and dried it with another towel off the rack of clean ones.

I used the towel from washing my hair to quickly wipe off the makeup running down my face.

After that, I slowly opened the door leading back from the bathroom to Draco's room. He was still sleeping.

I walked out carefully with my old clothes in hand and into his closet.

At this point, I've used so much of his stuff, I don't think he'll care.

I looked at basically all the shirts in his closet and decided on a long, white button down shirt.

I walked out of his closet, tiptoeing back to the washroom to throw on the shirt I stole as well as my bra and underwear from the night before.

I folded up the towels I used and cleaned the bathroom of the mess I made before going back out to see that Draco was still sleeping.

His room was unusually messy so I decided to clean it for him. I put all of his dirty clothes into his laundry bin and threw out old homework papers and all rubbish into his rubbish bin.

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