F I F T Y - S E V E N

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Why was I thinking like that?

That's psychopathic behaviour. I'm acting just like...

My father.

No. No. No.

I need to clear my mind from this.

I rushed out of the forest as fast as I could. I needed to find Draco, my perfect distraction.

Running down the Grounds with the letter in hand, I thought of where Draco could be.

Where could he be?

I pushed open the main doors and glided down the corridors. Where does Draco Malfoy like to relax; let go, if you will?

An idea popped up in my head and I made my way up the many, many staircases of the castle until I reached the final one.

The Astronomy Tower.

With my legs tired from climbing the bunches of staircases, I grabbed the railing tightly and made my way up more stairs to where Draco and I had our first date.

I peered my head around the corner that was in front of me and there sat Draco. He sat sideways staring at the Grounds, running his fingers along the rail.

"I saw you running from the Forest," Draco said blankly, not even looking back to see who it was. "I was expecting you."

I pushed my hands away from the corner wall and made my way to sit across from him. "Expecting me?"

He didn't even look at me as I sat down, hand gliding me down to the stone ground. "I wanted to apologize."

"Listen, Draco, we could have this conversation later. I need to tell you-" I sighed, crumpling the letter with my hand in my pocket.

"No," he cut me off. "Please let me finish."

I bit my lip in guilt and stared at the floor. "Go ahead then."

For the first time since our argument, he looked me in the eyes. He looked -- sorrowful.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that about you and Kayden. It was unfair, I just got jealous again." He turned around, placing his hand on his forehead; his rings glistened in the sunlight. "Fuck."

"It's okay, and I'm sorry for using Astoria. I guess. I forgive you." I shook my head and felt the panic bubbling up inside me.

We shouldn't be talking about this. It's the most unimportant conversation we could be having.

"Really?" He asked, putting his hand back down.

"Yes, but that's not the point." I snapped. "Draco, he set a date. The Dark Lord, he set a date."

Draco's grey eyes went wide and he leaned forward. "When?"

I paused, pulling out the letter from my pocket with shaky hands. I unfolded it slowly and gulped before giving Draco one last pleading look.

"Y/N, when?" He asked again, placing his hand on my knee. My lip trembled. Why was it just kicking in now? The terror. "Tell me fucking when!"

I peered at the letter, reading the date in my head. "June 30, 1997." I choked.

Draco's warm hand pulled away from my leg and landed in his lap. He looked completely speechless. He didn't plan thus far. He was too wrapped up in ridiculous teen drama.

He wrapped his arms around his legs and held himself together. "Draco-" I pleaded, reaching my hand out.

"No." He said, "I don't want you part of it."

Dark Secrets (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now