S E V E N T Y - F O U R

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August 17, 1997

For the last four days, I've been searching everywhere I could possibly look for an answer.

Who could these Horcruxes be made by?

Why were there so many?

Seven. Woah. That's a lot.

If I remember my reading correctly, it's that you should only split your soul once, if even at all.

The Horcruxes were a form of super Dark Magic. The kind of Magic only to be produced by a super Dark Wizard.

So — knowing what I knew now — they must be made by The Dark Lord.

Who else could the be?

I haven't had any other dreams but every now and again, the objects in my dream would come reappear in my mind.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I got myself out of the shower, tying a towel around my drenched body.

Draco had been less cold to me and has worked with me decently on how we were going to help attack Hogwarts from the inside.

But he still hasn't talked to me about whether he wants me or not or whether he believes me.

I hope he does.

Everything I've done up to this point has been for that git.

I grabbed another towel off the rack and started teasing my hair with it, drying it off.

As I left the bathroom to look for clothes, I heard a light tapping noise against the window.

Draco's regal owl sat outside my window with a blood red envelope in his beak.

He was holding a Howler.

I opened the window quickly and pulled the owl inside.

Pulling a treat from my nightstand, it dropped the letter onto my bed gently.

I passed him the treat and he took it, opened his big wings and flew out my opened window.

Before I could even pick up the letter, it raised up in the air itself and started shaking madly before it exploded mid air.

"WOOHOO!" The letter shouted.

I flinched.

"You're coming back! I miss you so much. I can't believe it. When you get back, you're telling me everything. It's Kayden by the way. You probably know that though. I'm sorry for the Howler, just kidding bitch, I'm not! I'm so excited. Alana misses you too — but not as much as me. You've made me suffer over the past two months. I'll get you back.
Ahh okay I'm going now.

I laughed. Kayden Buckley. Of course he'd do something like this.

The letter sealed itself shut once more and fell back to its spot on my bed, gracefully.

I turned away from it, still laughing at Kayden's Howler, he is just something else.

I found the outfit I was going to wear in seconds. I just found a pair of jean shorts and a black crop top.

It was basic, but it was Summer so I didn't mind.

I threw that on and went to the bathroom to blow dry my hair and then straighten it.

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