S I X T Y - O N E

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Before I got a chance to knock on the thick oak doors of Malfoy Manor, they opened wide. A pale, panic-stricken Narcissa appeared and let out a thick sigh of relief.

I took a step aside, I knew who she wanted to see. It wasn't me. Draco was now in her field of vision.

Narcissa covered her mouth with her right hand and let out a broken sob before running to her son and showering him with hugs and kisses.

Draco hugged her back tightly, he towered over her and let his chin rest on the top of her head. I gave a soft smile, letting myself forget what just happened to our Headmaster less than an hour ago.

Narcissa let out sobs into Draco's chest and he kept repeatedly whispering in her ear. "Mum, it's okay. I'm home." and "I'm okay."

Bellatrix rolled her eyes and instructed the other Death Eaters to follow her into the Malfoy Manor.

I stood, waiting for Draco to follow me inside. I didn't want to face my father alone and I knew he didn't want to either.

Narcissa let out her last weep and pulled herself away from her sons chest, wiping her stained black tears from her eyes and face. Draco wiped the red kiss mark off of his cheek and looked up at me.

I shrugged.

"I missed you mother." Draco told Narcissa.

Narcissa smiled and brought her small hands to Draco's cheek. "I missed you too, my perfect boy." She sniffed and pulled her hand away from his cheek. Then she turned to me. "Darling Y/N, how are you?"

Narcissa came over to me and embraced in a tight hug. She's been lonely for so long and now she finally has us.

She was probably terrified of my father this whole time. She didn't even have Lucius.

I hugged her back tightly and felt the tears prick at my eyes once more. "I could be better." I choked. She pulled away.

"Couldn't we all?" She replied and reached for my hair, gliding her hand gently down a streak.

She snapped out of whatever trance she was in -- probably due to her now not being lonely anymore -- and turned to face both of us. "We should probably go inside, the Dark Lord is waiting."

I nodded and followed behind Narcissa as she lead Draco and I to the Dining Hall where the long black table full of Death Eaters sat.

My father sat at the foot of the table, talking to the followers at the table in front of him whilst petting Nagini.

Taking a deep breath, I made my way to my spot beside Snape and Draco and Narcissa made their ways beside Narcissa's deranged sister.

"Ahh, my daughter, Draco, you're here at last." Acknowledged the Dark Lord as we took our seats.

I bowed my head. "Hello father."

Draco didn't speak, he let his head droop down and he stared at the table.

"You two have done splendidly with the Vanishing Cabinet-" I was skeptical, he never gives out compliments. "-but-" There it is. "- neither of you took on the job of killing Dumbledore. I'm disappointed that you both -- especially my own blood -- failed to kill Dumbledore. So I thank you, Severus for being courageous enough to seize the opportunity."

Snape cleared his throat beside me. "Thank you. my Lord."

My father pondered. "What do you think our next move should be, Severus?"

"To my knowledge, Potter will be living with his aunt and uncle until the beginning of next term. I, however, do not know where he will be going in the Fall." Snape said, sitting up straight.

Dark Secrets (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz