T W E N T Y - F I V E

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Draco and I had to mend it today.

We had to get it over with.

That damned cabinet was ruining our lives.

That damned fucking Mark was ruining it too.

I reached the seventh floor corridor in a span of 10 minutes and got to the wall I needed.

The one I haven't seen since Christmas break.

My heart pounded in my chest as I closed my eyes and thought of the cabinet, but my mind wandered down a different road and then I was thinking of Draco instead.

I hadn't realized it until a couple seconds later and the door stood before me.

I shook myself out of the trance he always seems to put me in and walked into the Room of Requirement.

I managed to slip my way around the random shit on the ground and looked up to see Draco taking more notes.

He was holding a Muggle pencil in his mouth while leaning over the table, jotting down last minute ideas with his ink laced quill.

I forgot about looking where I was going and stumbled.

I tripped and fell onto the chair.

"Fucking shit," I groaned as I sat up.

Draco chuckled before taking the pencil out of his mouth — which I learned from looking at the parchment that he was using it to make small sketches onto the parchment, revealing what he thinks hides inside of the cabinet.

I pulled off my robe and rolled up my sleeves.

"Good morning," I said and stretched my arms.

"Morning. What are you doing?" Draco asked while placing the quill onto the table.

"Getting ready," I replied and cracked my neck to the side.

"For what?"

"I'm going inside this thing, aren't I?"

"Not you,"

I rolled my eyes, I've felt fucking useless this whole time.

"Yes, me," I insisted and pushed him away so I could read the papers again.

Draco's plan suggested that instead of fixing the cabinet from the outside, we fix it from the inside.

Since Narcissa and Bellatrix said that the Vanishing Cabinet at Borgain and Burke's was doing the same thing, there may be a block in the way.

Although it doesn't sound very safe, first off, nothing in this situation is safe and second, it's the only chance we have.

Draco and I have wasted enough time on pathetic relationship shit that we really need to focus on all of this.

This is the priority.

I read it over three times in my head before grabbing my wand and opening the cabinet doors.

"You're not fucking doing it Y/N," he ordered.

"Yes I am! I've felt so useless this whole time Draco! Please, let me do this," I begged him, tears stinging in my eyes.

I won't let him see them, I'm not breaking in front of him again.

Draco pondered on this for a moment before he finally answered me.


I gulped and thanked him by nodding my head.

"You're ready?" He asked me.

Dark Secrets (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz