F O U R T Y - E I G H T

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We've already been at this detention for 15 minutes now and we've made a lot of progress.

I wrote the address on the envelopes and Draco put the letters in them and put them in a basket, leaving them for McGonagall to send away herself when the time came.

I noticed a couple familiar last names on the parchments of addresses and cities but didn't exactly find the need to think deeply on who had them or what not.

Draco and I haven't talked, we just started working away. I wrote an address and child's name on the envelope and he found the corresponding letter and placed the letter inside the envelope, placing it in the basket afterwards.

It was a nice kind of silent, just the itching of a quill against parchment and parchment folding over being the only sound made.

"What were you reading in class today?" Draco asked, calmly. He wasn't looking at me but his eyebrows still quirked as he threw a finished letter into the basket.

"A book," I replied while scratching down Rosalie Carter 's name down.

"Ha ha," he sarcastically said. "Don't smart ass me. What book were you reading?"

"I can't tell you,"

He raised his head from searching for the next letter, hands still in place on the stack of paper. "And why is that?"

"It will ruin your birthday present," I stated, handing him Rosalie Carter's envelope.

"No," he insisted without context.

"What do you mean 'no'?"

Draco pulled out another letter and folded it, his tongue rolling around the inside of his mouth. His lips smacked gently before he responded. "I don't like my birthday,"

"And why is that Mr 'I'm going to pretend that the birthday party I planned for my 15th birthday is a surprise'?" I mocked him.

"I don't like it anymore because last year on my 16th birthday, I got a letter from my mother telling me that: my father had gone to Azkaban, the Dark Lord was now a member in our household and on his orders, I had to become a Death Eater," responded Draco blankly.

He pulled the finished envelope from my hand that I haven't given him yet.

I felt bad for him. He got told this on his birthday?

"Plus," Draco added. "My father forgot my birthday before that, so what's so important about it anyway,"

"That's horrible," I scoffed. My blood was boiling. How dare Lucius forget his own sons birthday?

That's sick.

At least my father was aware of mine. He even got me something and Penelope did tell me that he sent a letter. I read it so many times I could recite it;

Have a good birthday. 16 is a good year, the year I became who I am today.

I hope you follow in my footsteps, daughter. Have something to start.

Lord Voldemort

It was short and I was even surprised he remembered. I was glad he did. What he got me though, I never used.

He got me a diary, one with a leather binding and cover. It had my name on it imprinted on it in a basic gold writing at the bottom of the cover.


I haven't used it because it had my last name on it. How on earth was I supposed to bring it to school if it has my real last name on it?

It was a kind gesture but I don't need a diary. I'm not 13 anymore with a crush on the popular boy.

Dark Secrets (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora